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Water And Strength

As this week comes to a close and we conclude this time together, we take a quick glance at this common idiom, which describes people as being, as weak as water.  When people are as weak as water, it means that they are easily moved from their commitments, easily swayed by the passing winds that come by. They are unable to be resolved and firm in their promises and words. Indeed, the use of water here, gives it a very powerless and feeble image. On the contrary, when God presents Himself to us, His people, as our Water, our Spring, He makes water strong, and we become believers, ‘as Strong as Water.’  

If this is the case, and it is, then the question remains. Is this true of you? Is this true of me? Is it true that, like our ancestors, we have turned to all the offers of water around, to find and fetch our own water, from fountains that hold no living, lasting water? Are we drinking and feeding on salt water – bitter, debilitating, poisonous, injurious water - which is daily making us weaker and weaker in spiritual strength, so that we are unable to keep our oaths and promises to Father God?

Remember, it is impossible for anyone to be drinking from Almighty God, the Living Stream, and be producing any kind of weak, responses. It means therefore, when God makes this announcement, My people have committed two sins: they have forsaken me the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water, is He not stating two unarguable facts?

  • His people are not responding to Him and producing His desires.

  • His people are drinking and feeding from their own human-dug springs.  

How is this clearly and visibly shown? It is seen in the weakness of the lives of His people, to keep promise with Him. They are blown about by the winds of the world, so to speak, and because they have forsaken the Strength given to them by God, to be their God and for them to be His abiding, obedient children, they bear the fruit of others. Here is a fact, an earthly fact which we all know, as we prove it daily in nature around us.  Let’s listen to the question, as asked by James. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? James 3: 11.

Doesn’t this question take our minds in different places? Is this not a question that peels off and strips off every single layer of cover-up, of make-up, of back-up and of top-up, which we so skillfully manipulate and show? God, the Almighty Creator and Lord, is our Spring of Living Water. How can people claim to be drinking from Him, our given Spring, yet what they produce is nothing but salt, unsavory, poisonous water? In other words, explains James, Can a fig tree bear olives? Can a grapevine bear figs? Likewise, no salt spring produces fresh water. My people have committed two sins: they have forsaken me the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.

The salt, the living, flowing bitterly poisonous water, which flows from His people, can never be of Him. This is the result of the works of their own weak hands. They have dug their own springs. How do we show that we have dug our own springs and drink daily from them? What is the salt or poisonous fruit responses which we bear? We go directly to the condition, status and produce of the throat, the tongue, the lips and the mouth, as the writer of the epistle to the Romans, tells us. 

Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips. Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness. Roman 3: 13 – 14. Of whom is he referring? He is describing every single person who has forsaken our Lord’s Living Spring, His Strength, His Spirit and have dug our own feeble, useless, weak sources.

Is this not a major reason, if not the main reason, for too many of us, believers and servants of our Lord, being weak in our promise-making, oath-taking and covenant-keeping words to our Lord? If we would not forsake our God, as our sufficient, trustworthy and all sustaining Spring of Living Water, then we would be His delighted promise-keepers. We know that no human is good. We accept that not one single human person is righteous. However, by faith, we trust and believe our Lord, who has given His Spirit to us so that we will be His pleasing children and servants knowing and showing: -

Strength unquantifiable

Courage unmatched

Appointing unlimited

Daring unstoppable 

Whenever we respond to God in promise, whenever we rest our spiritual hands on our Lord’s Thigh, as it were, His Strength and Power, we must always remember that we are not just making promises to our Lord, but we are responding to Him in full reliance on His Strength, His Spirit.

What excuses then do we have, when the one huge excuse – us being only human beings – has been fully taken care of by God Himself, through the Gift of His Holy Spirit?   

Ah Holy God, please have mercy upon all of us who are miserable offenders. Make us to know that we too can be like Abraham’s servant, loyal and true to his master. Thank You Father for hearing us and granting us pardon and opportunity to serve You again, in newness and readiness of mind and heart. Amen!



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