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New Beginning

It is the first Lord’s Day Sunday in a new month and we are together with people all over the world, far and near, who have been given the privilege of seeing the beginning of another week.

On this brand new beginning, I invite you to feast your eyes on these sentences of fact; to whet your palates with these samples of truth; to sink your minds in these words of note and count.     

  • It is God and God alone, who has given life to all people, whether we love Him or not.

  • It is God and God alone, who has sustained all, friend and foe alike, to be able to see this new dawn.  

  • It is God and God alone, who has given this Lord’s Day Sunday to everyone, worshipper or non-worshipper.

It is incumbent upon us therefore, all of us who believe in God and in Jesus Christ as Lord, through His ever enabling Holy Spirit; all who serve and worship Him, to give Him ungrudged and unshared praise and thanks. We are specifically and emphatically giving Him heartfelt thanks with submissive wills, for His gift of life and His gift of today.

I invite you to share this given offering with me, before our Triune God.


It’s a brand new month and a brand new day,

For years, months and days come without delay,

So we come Lord to You; with thanks we say,

We bless and worship You on this new day.


It’s another day, a new beginning,

Have mercy Lord, to You we are praying,

Pardon and forgiveness, we are asking,

For You alone are our God, forgiving.


It’s now, in this new opportunity,

We bow before You in humility,

Seeking love’s truth and love’s sincerity,   

Only in You we’ll know love’s unity.


It’s a new privilege God’s offering,

In nothing else will we be proffering,

But to look to the cross, Christ’s suffering,

Help us not Your gifts to be deferring.


It’s a new month, yes it’s a brand new day,

As favour and grace to us You display,

Grant us renewed hearts Holy Lord, we pray,

May our lives Your beauty and truth convey.





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