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Timely, Convincing Word About Jesus


Straightway, we continue in the same vein, as our text continues to convict and challenge us to truth, about Jesus, which we ought to be showing.

Provide mounts for Paul so that he may be taken safely to Governor Felix.  Acts 23: 24

Provide mounts for Paul. The commander is free to work and make decisions on his own. It is solely his thoughts, his words and his way. No one’s approval or disapproval; no one’s advice or non-advice; no one’s favour or disfavour, has any effect whatsoever on the commander. It is a one-leader decision. The commander shows wisdom, boldness, astuteness and pure freedom in his work, his calling, his job. Listen! When he hears of what has been planned, does he panic? Definitely not! Does he become all agitated and begin to complain about how nasty and evil people can be? Absolutely not! Does he confront the Sanhedrin to tell them of their failed ways, since he now knows their wicked and murderous ways? Certainly not! Instead, he decisively and directly deals with the situation. 

Jesus is your Commander. He is free to make any decision about your life that He wants. He is the Person in whose hands you are captive, where you are being kept safe from all present enemies, which are totally and zealously planning for your demise. Your Commander is the only One who has the power in this volatile situation, to keep you safe. He has seen and has heard the enemy’s evil plans. Does Jesus panic? That’s a laugh! Does Jesus become all anxious and begin a long string of complaining, about how demonic people are and the likes? Unheard of! Does Jesus confront the evil to say how wicked they are and to speak of His Power to do something to stop them? Plain and simple, no! Instead, in this moment of time, Jesus decisively and utterly, works for your good and saves you from the enemy, whose single intention is to snatch your life from you. Jesus is your One and Only Saviour and He saved you and continues to save you through what was and still is for many, an offensive way. The Cross way, used by God, is still seen as what is evil. Jesus still saves by using some questionable means and ways, where carnal minds are concerned.

Provide mounts for Paul. The commander is free to command his men. He is able to speak with his authority and know that he will be obeyed, for he trusts and knows his authority. He has no doubts or concerns about his authority. He is like the centurion who told Jesus how his men under him obey him. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me, I tell this one, Go, and he goes; and that one, Come, and he comes. I say to my servant, Do this, and he does it. Luke 7: 8.

The commander has from centurions down, under him. His command, to provide mounts for the prisoner, which is not the norm, by far, is not even questioned. He has no anxieties, I tell you, and no wondering whether the men will obey him in this out-of-the-ordinary command or not. His command will not just be obeyed, but it will be obeyed as he gives it. There will be no adjustments, no additions or subtractions and most of all, no questioning of his command. As strange, different and even outrageous as this may seem, for a prisoner, the soldiers obey, unquestioningly.

Just think of your Commander Jesus, and all whom He has at His disposal, to command. Whether on earth or in heaven, do you know that they all obey Him?

We conclude tomorrow


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