From Repenting To Rejoicing

We conclude this week, in full repentance and full rejoicing, through the Power of our Lord’s forgiveness. Many of us have been triggered by the picture of Jesus draped in red. They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him. Matthew 27: 28.
Many a lover, follower and disciple of Jesus, like you and like me, couldn’t just, nonchalantly and mindlessly look at our Jesus, clothed in a scarlet robe and remain unmoved. At one time, I would look at those wicked, horrible, wretched soldiers and think of them in scornful tones. Not again, for when I see how I treat Jesus, when I see my own responses to Him, I hang my head in shame and disgrace, for I have been worse to Him than those soldiers. Are you also as guilty as I am? Listen!
I confess: I am guilty, for I was one energetically waving palm branches and singing, Hosanna to the Son of David! Matthew 21: 9b. Now I am waving my fists calling for His riddance. Crucify Him!
I cry out: I am guilty, for I was one of the crowd publicly hailing Jesus and chanting, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Matthew 21: 9c. Now I am one of the crowd publicly shouting out for His death. Crucify Him!
I claim: I am guilty, I am wretched, for I was one of the responding crowd, telling the whole city, stirred up and asking questions about who the Jew was that, This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth. Matthew 21: 11b. Now, I am treating Him like an imposter, a fake prophet, who must be stoned immediately. Crucify Him!
I am one then, who has claimed to believe Jesus, to follow Him, to find Him not like other teachers and leaders, and yet, look at me! My sin was added to all other sins which sent Him to suffer, bleed and die. On Mount Calvary, in the place of the Skull, I helped to drape my Jesus in Red, the Red of His Redeeming Blood.
Rejoice! Hallelujah! The story does not end there. O no! It certainly does not end there with my sin and your sin. Why is this so?
It is so, because the Blood of Jesus is stronger than my sins and your sins, combined. He Overcame!
It is so, because Jesus never sinned, but He carried all our sins upon Him, and like a Lamb to the slaughter, He never said a mumbling word, but freely was led. He Conquered!
It is so, because Jesus was victorious over sin, death, the grave and hell. He is Victor!
It is so because, His shed Blood has granted you and me complete forgiveness and pardon of all sin, shame and guilt. He Won!
Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. Isaiah 1: 18
Let us lift our conquering, victorious, triumphant Lord and Saviour Jesus, who won, convincingly won over death, for our salvation. Let us always live in Him and know the Power of His Atoning Blood, which naught can wipe away. Let us live in Him as overcomers, for He is our unchained and undefeated Victor.
A Triumphant One is He,
The enemy’s defeated,
We stand in His victory,
People fully repented.
Our rejoicing in the Lord and all the full and free salvation which He has won for all sinners with His life, continues. As we enter into the final two weeks of travel before Holy Week, the excitement intensifies, as we receive more powerfully spreading works of the Blood of Jesus.