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Hold The Fort

I tell you that this word came directly to me on a morning when I did not know whether I was to stand or sit, or whether I was standing or sitting. It made absolutely no sense to me, nothing new, I might add. As I bombarded the Lord with question upon question in my usual, I can’t understand way, I was taught all I needed to know for that moment, only after I shut up.

These were only some of my questions about, Hold The Fort. I said, “Jesus, I am totally illiterate in Your Word and need to be taught. Make me a perfect learner please. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, where am I going today? Who is holding the Fort? What is the Fort? Where is the Fort? How is it held Lord? From whom is it held Lord?

I was reminded that one of the things about a fort is that it is strategically placed to have a good view of enemy intrusion and invasion, so that it can be a good defence. Without a well defended fort, without a well manned fort, without a well guarded fort, the people remain as vulnerable as a people without a fort.

Today we are seeing the Fort as Courage. Hold The Courage. How do you hold courage? I asked. I was told to listen to this story about The Fort.

The Fort was present and it had been standing for years, serving the people. Many wars and battles had been fought over the years, but the people never surrendered nor relented, because of the fort. True, there had been casualties, pain, suffering and more, but the place never ever lost its life to attackers. Then one day, an enemy rose up from within. The attacker came, not from the outside but from the inside. What were the people to do? The fort stood helpless. The devastation was greater than any attack previously experienced by an outside attacker. Alas! What a defeat! What a total capturing of the place.

Some years after, The Fort was heard to say. If only my eyes had looked within and not only without. What do you mean? What are you saying? I’m saying that the wise look for the intruders and raiders outside and inside also, for the enemy can come from any side – inside or outside.

Take advice from the experienced fort. Hold the Fort wisely and never be deceived, or fooled. Look outside and inside for the intruders. The defeat from within is greater than the defeat from without. Strength is a good fort only when expertly and wisely held. Hold the Fort. Hold, Fort Courage.

Almighty and Sovereign Lord and God, who gives courage but You ? And who can hold courage but You? It is to You I come, seeking Your guidance, strength and mercy for I need, this day, to hold courage. I come Lord because You have said to come. I come Lord for it is easy to miss what is happening, ‘inside’. It is easy Lord, to turn a sympathetic eye to all of this, dismiss it and even pretend about what is happening ‘within’, for I am kept looking at the adversaries without and making good defences for them. But You have spoken Lord and I will take heed, only show my folly in my actions this day please. Lord, I want to keep Fort Courage in Your way, not mine. Amen!



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