To conclude our evidence on what we have received from yesterday’s offering, we take a short but sharp look at the servant of God called Simeon. When we listen to Simeon, an old man living in Jerusalem, who was righteous and devout, we cannot help but stand in awe of all that he stood for and spoke, before God. Under direct orders from God, he was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. Luke 2: 25b.
Being led to the temple at the same time Joseph and Mary have taken Jesus there for His consecration to God, Simeon speaks praise, thanks, honour, might and glory to God. Hearing this man, who is old and satisfied; this man, who has seen what God has promised him; this man, who is rejoicing in God for His saving grace and love; this man, who has the privilege of holding Baby Jesus in his arms, how can we but surrender our lives to the Lord, all over again? Listen and look, as Simeon speaks of Messiah, Jesus, the little Baby in his arms as, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel. Luke 2: 32. Every single Gentile, on hearing Simeon’s prophetic Words, along with every single Jew, should bow down, No! Must, bow down low before King Jesus, with surrendered, submissive lives.
Nevertheless, as has already been stated, our mission for the rest of this week, gives special focus on the Magi and their epiphany. How does their story begin? Perhaps, the question before us ought to be, how does their story continue? In terms of what our eyes are seeing and our ears hearing, we can boldly say that we can see their beginning in the evidence of Gentiles being in the Advent story, some of which we have already discussed. So how does it continue? It continues with their epiphany. Whether you know this story very well or not, let’s all be delighted and totally humbled to receive, not just the story in our hearing, but in our understanding. We want to be engaged, enlightened, enlivened and fully empowered to be people, Gentiles, showing the faithfulness of Father God to us also. May we recognize God’s manifestations in our lives, in the smallest and most insignificant of ways, even.
To show our God’s inclusiveness, oneness and faithfulness to His Heart and Mind about Gentiles being loved by Him, we shall be guided always by God, the Holy Spirit. With Him, there are no, by chance moves, and nothing happens by accident. Jesus is Victor and with Him, in His Spirit, we walk the victory path of God’s good doing. May it be pleasing to each of us, as we are brought to hearts of joy, peace, contentment and full assurance that we too have a Saviour, whose Second Coming will meet us ready for Him. I am using the King James Version of the Bible as the main translation for the remaining of this week’s offerings.
We know that wisdom comes from wise. The Bible describes these men from the East as wise. Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem. Matthew 2: 1. Where is their wisdom? What are we learning about wisdom, through those who have been described as wise?
Concerning wisdom, here are some striking words which have been told to us in the Book of Proverbs. Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. Proverbs 3: 13 – 17.
Wisdom then, is described as that which is to be found and all who do find wisdom are happy or blessed. We are also apprised of the fact that wisdom does not travel alone, for understanding is always with her. Note how this all lives out in the wise men. Please understand that to have found the treasure of wisdom, does not necessarily mean that a person was on a mission, in search of wisdom. Like the shepherds, wisdom came to them when they were not even searching for it. This is in relation to God’s manifestation of His Son’s Birth, Jesus, Messiah. What greater treasure could there be than God’s showing of Himself to those wise men? Certainly, this treasure, this undeniable riches of God’s revelation, by the star in the eastern sky was better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. What they received in the knowledge that the King of the Jews was born, was unquestionably, more precious than rubies. Nothing they could have desired, would have been compared to the wisdom they had received from God Himself, through His star.
Where has this taken us today? We have seen, and are seeing the responses of wise men to their epiphany, or their receiving of God’s revelation to them. We are seeing that wisdom is what we behold, what we find, as God continues to reveal Himself to us.
Has God the Holy Spirit shown anything new to you in this hour?
Have you found wisdom here?
What is your response?