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And this will be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.  Luke 2: 12 KJV

Having carefully and diligently searched our Scripture text for Triumphs and having secured our Take-Away, what we have taken away, that which we wanted, we now turn to treasures. Carefully and thoughtfully, on this final day before Advent Day, as treasures are unearthed for us, we will gather up and take away as we need.

Treasures of our God

From our text, three treasures have been unearthed. These are treasures we need to hold fast and dear to us. The treasures which we will receive and accept, are not simply for us to keep, cherish and put up nicely in some safe place. They are to inform and instruct our daily, earthly living. They are also words of triumph, words to be treasured up, for they are words of prophecy fulfilled, being made known to shepherds, strangers to the earthly parents of Jesus, Messiah, the Anointed One.

We now consider three facts, treasures found in the sign given to the shepherds, so that they will not be looking for Messiah in ignorance, nor according to their own imaginations and interpretations. Whether or not these shepherds knew about God’s promise, as Simeon, who was, waiting on the consolation of Israel and the Holy Spirit was upon him. Luke 2: 25b, I do not know. Albeit, what I do know is that they were given a sign, with three distinct images to treasure up.

We need to stop here for a bit, to acknowledge this truth about our Heavenly Father. In this wise, He has shown us that whether the shepherds knew or did not know about the promise and prophecy of the Anointed One, He ensured that they knew about it with a detailed sign. Does this not bring us treasure, in our remarkable God, who does not need us to know, or not know about Messiah, for Him to bring truth about Messiah to us? Does this knowledge not make adequate room for you, in whatsoever mind you are?

What is your Take-Away here?

As we turn to the sign, we seek our Lord’s mind and heart to be able to receive as He imparts.

And this will be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe - The first treasured image of the presence of the arrival of the Anointed One, the Messiah, is that He will come as a new born Baby and not as a grown Man. One of the prophecies which tell of the work of Messiah is found in Micah 5: 2. Listen to what it says. But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from old, from ancient days. The sign to those people, is that they are looking, not for a grown King, who is a ruler, dressed as a ruler and commanding His Kingdom. Is not one of our mystical treasures that when Jesus, the Living Word made flesh, is born in us, He is always born as a Baby, to grow and have life in us?

What is your Take-Away here?

And this will be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes. The second treasured image of the presence of the arrival, of the Anointed One, the Messiah, is in His attire, His dress. What do we know about swaddling clothes or bands? History tells us that in Biblical times, new born lambs, which were to be used as sacrificial lambs in the Temple, were swaddled, wrapped in cloth strips, to protect them from harm. They could not be blemished. Swaddling kept them protected. This is what God says to His prophet about Jerusalem. And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee: thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all. Ezekiel 16: 4 KJV. What meaning is there for us? Is not one of our magnificent treasures that when Jesus, the Living Word, made flesh, is clothed in us, He is always swaddled, ensuring protection within us? 

What is your Take-Away here?

And this will be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. The third treasured image of the sign of the Anointed One is in His first place of rest, His first abiding place on earth. The word manger comes from the Greek word, manducare, which means ‘to eat’. Does manger have any significant bearing for us?  Listen to what God says to His prophet Isaiah, about His people. The ox knows its master, the donkey its own manger, but Israel does not know, my people do not understand. Isaiah 1: 3. This is sad indeed, for we do not want to be children of Father God, not knowing our Master, nor our Manger. Is not one of our marvellous treasures that when Jesus, the Living Word, made flesh, is born to us, we will find Him in some earthly manger?

What is your Take-Away here?

And now:-

  • Clinging to all that you have taken away of triumphs and treasures, received during the season of Advent;

  • Cherishing all the precious moments of love which you have received, during the hustle and bustle of the time;

  • Celebrating all the gifts of Courage, Comfort, Correction and Consolation of God’s Circle of Warmth around you, especially when you were despondent, sad, lonely and afraid;

Together, we say, Amen!

The Big Countdown’s over.

Tomorrow, Deo volente, we celebrate Advent Day.  



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