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As we were told, we are continuing with the heart-treasuring and mind-pondering experiences which took place when our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was born. All of these are things with which we are very familiar, but our Lord can do wonders with things we already know, making them so new and fresh, we are held in wonder and awe. These are all events and experiences of Mary, without which, Advent would have a completely different narrative. Our prayer is that through them, our hearts and minds will be emptied of all that is unwanted, that we may be freed up, to be filled up with only what strengthens and builds faith and trust in Sovereign, Father God.

Yes, today we think of the treasures of that first Advent, as they were fed to Mary. However, before turning to Mary, we listen to what her grown Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, has to say to us about treasure. The wisdom of Jesus is true, rich and to be embraced, for He knows exactly what He is saying. Lay not up for yourself treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourself treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6: 19 – 21 KJV

Jesus has made connection with heavenly treasures and the heart. What are heavenly treasures? They are as innumerable as they are diverse. But one which we all have experienced in different degrees and measure, is that of holding a little baby. In the well-loved hymn, ‘Because He Lives’, written in 1971 by Bill and Gloria Gaither, there are some passionately powerful words which touch the hearts of all of us, men and women. These words read like this.

How sweet to hold a new born baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives…

Don’t you agree with me that the mere holding of the miracle life in your hands, is something you cannot help but think about, ponder even, as you treasure such a privilege? Indeed to hold a little baby or even be close to one, does something beautiful to the heart.

This leads us to some words which were spoken about Mary, when she gave birth to her firstborn and experienced some heart treasures, which only came because of Jesus’ birth. These were not treasures to be found in bringing Jesus to birth, or bearing Him till birth. No! These were specific treasures only had after the birth of Jesus. In other words, these treasures deal with ‘after birth’, not carrying or bearing the child.

Jesus is the Word made flesh and we may carry that Word, growing in our hearts and minds, for a long time. However, unless that Word is given birth in us, unless we send it out, push it out, into this world, with all its evils and cruelties, the Living Word will never be and do that for which it has been given.   

We continue then, from the place and time of giving birth. It is neither unusual nor uncommon for people, friends and family, to visit new additions to the family. When a child is born, even while he or she is in hospital, or wherever birth has taken place, before the mother comes home even, close friends and relatives are known to go and see the new born baby. This is normally a happy occasion, full of excitement and joy at seeing the precious new born. The atmosphere of joy, excitement and anticipation was no less, when shepherds left their flocks, by night, to go and see a new born baby.

The difference here is that this was no ordinary new born. Mary had given birth to the Saviour of the world and when the shepherds were visited by an angel, this is what they were told. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you, he is the Messiah, the Lord. Luke 2: 11. Their joy, excitement and uncontrollable pleasure, at the birth of the Word made flesh, compelled them to leave straightway and go to see the Baby that was born.  

As was previously stated, and as we all know, family and friends come to visit new born babies and parents welcome these visitors who have come to see the new born and share in their expressed joy. Mary and Joseph are delighted to have visitors in this far from home place. But it is Mary upon whom we will focus, mainly.  


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