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Third Sunday In Advent

On this most favoured and blessed Lord’s Day Sunday in Advent, the third Sunday in this time of celebrating the First Coming of King Jesus, we come. We come with hearts, still treasuring up unsearchable riches in our Saviour. We come, pondering in our hearts, all that the Holy Spirit is marking within us. We come, seeking more in Jesus.

More light, more love, more beauty, Lord Jesus,

Are what we long for in each one of us,

Light which came into the world at Advent,

Love which to this dark world was heaven sent,

Beauty beyond human imagining,

In Child Jesus, in a manger lying.

Every treasure that Father, Sovereign God has placed upon the earth for us to receive, is already with us. Additionally, we know and believe, by faith, that every single treasure, the entire treasure chest, if you dare, is available, attainable and accessible to each one of us. We are firm in this belief because every treasure is in Jesus and He is with us; Immanuel is with us.

In the midst of all that is going on around us, all the hustle and bustle, we have been assured that our Heavenly Father still can and will give birth to His Living Word, in some most insignificant, small and unobtrusive ways.

One of the things which has not left me, that which I still ponder upon, is not just the fact that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, Messiah, came into this world, with all its hustle and  bustle, but that the hustling and bustling of life continued even after He was born. I tell you, this still is a hauntingly scary thought, nonetheless, a living reality, for although Jesus our Saviour has come, although He is Light, Love and Beauty, the darkness, hatred and ugliness of the world still continue.

May God have mercy upon us, miserable offenders. Amen!
May all who hear, believe and accept God’s Good News, know His swaddling warmth of Comfort, Courage and Consolation around them. Amen!  
Just as Mother Mary swaddled Jesus in clothes, which brought Him warmth and peace, may Father God swaddle us also in marvellous ways, as we receive new listening and learning. Amen!

For the remainder of this week, we shall be traversing some most merciful, gracious and beautiful paths, as we are offered once again, in present light, God's endearing promise to be a ‘Circle of Warmth’ to His children. Why a ‘Circle of Warmth’? This beautiful image was painted before me from this text in Zechariah 2: 5. And I myself will be a wall of fire around it, declares the LORD, and I will be its glory within.

This third week of Advent, will see God’s, ‘Circle of Warmth’, swaddling all who, by faith, will give up all anxiety, apprehension, doubt, uncertainty and trauma,  to receive all of who our Heavenly Father is and all that He offers.  



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