Testimonies About Jesus
Giving testimonies about who Jesus is, is nothing new, even to us in our day and time. Nonetheless, do we truly know who the Son of Man is? We listen again to what some people are saying about Jesus, the Man who is among them, living and having His very being. Others said, He is Elijah. And still others claimed, He is a prophet, like one of the prophets of long ago. Mark 6: 15.
As we return to these people who are witnessing and observing the Man Jesus, we must remember that they have been familiar with John the Baptist, the different preacher, who went around preparing the way for Jesus. These people, many of whom are water-baptized believers, have openly repented of their sins. Having died to their dead and buried sins, they now seek to live more holy and godly lives, to the honour and Glory of Father God.
Remember also, that many of these people speaking, perhaps the majority of them are Jews. They have been brought up on the Law of Moses, schooled on it morning, noon and night. The Law was as the very life-blood, which flowed through every vein in their bodies. They were schooled with accuracy, awe and pride in their great prophets. No wonder, when they heard and saw what Jesus was doing, their minds and hearts were taken back to the good old days. What was Jesus doing and saying that was different from other Jewish Rabbis?
Earlier in the chapter we were told that Jesus, accompanied by His disciples, went to His hometown. On the Sabbath, as was customary of Rabbis, Jesus went to the synagogue and began to teach His people. We are told that many who heard him were amazed. Where did this man get these things? they asked. What’s this wisdom that has been given him, that he even does miracles! Mark 6: 2b.
In His own hometown, though people see this inexplicable difference in Him, they simply cannot lift Him over their own knowledge about Him. He is to them, no one and nothing but, the boy next door. This so colours them, so blinds them and so blocks them from believing, their faith in the Man before them is totally and adversely affected. In fact, Jesus was amazed at their lack of faith. Mark 6: 6b. Jesus does not remain in His hometown, but goes around from village to village teaching, and He uses His disciples to assist Him. It is therefore, as His Name is receiving more and more publicity that people begin to say who this Man of God is.
Let’s have a look at ourselves today. We all will agree that Jesus is with us and He is working and doing marvellous and supernaturally wonderful works among us. But what are we saying about Him? How are we presenting Jesus to the world?
Will you listen again, to how some people spoke of Jesus, as our text brings it to us? He is Elijah. And still others claimed, He is a prophet, like one of the prophets of long ago.
Careful study reveals that indeed, each is speaking with self-confidence and self-given authority on who Jesus is, based on their long ago experience, and education. Indeed, it is what they know and recall of the long ago days, which gives them boldness to evaluate and speak of the Man called Jesus, who is in their midst.
Let’s look at these tomorrow.