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Privilege of Today

We have come on this Lord’s Day Sunday, mindful that we all have been given the privilege of not just seeing the first few days of a new month, but we have been given the gift of coming to the first Sunday in July. When I think seriously of all the people who have been given this privilege, it puts me in my place. Have you ever thought about this? The person who is planning to shoot another individual and the person who is planning on helping another individual in need, both have been given the same blessing and privilege of today.

Who is this God we serve? All I know is that He gives freely to all people, for no one, in His eyes, is better than another. God is Love and Love does not favour one over the others. God gives generously to all kinds. Just take another look at which day you’re standing on. Listen to the news, read the newspaper, let someone tell you, myriads of the crimes which were committed today, some most heinous, barbaric and most evil. Yet, every single one of these people was given the privilege of today.

How are you saying thanks to God for giving you this day? What are your responses?  You and I may never make the headlines for sins we have committed against another, but our heavenly Father is most conscious and knowledgeable of all that transpires on His earth. Sin, for Him, and that is what it should be for us also, is any thought, word or deed that is contrary to Him.

Let us spend this time in offering our Lord our hearts, seeking Him to cleanse them and make them new.

Let us, bring before Sovereign, Creator God, our hurting neighbours, who have been badly affected by the recent hurricane, asking for His continued comfort, strength and peace.

Let us thank God for being our God – Just, Right and Holy – an unchanging God.  

During this week, we shall not follow a specific theme, but with each day’s meditation, we shall come to know our God better. We shall want to serve and love Him more sincerely. We shall be made more zealous in our obligation to share our Lord with others.  


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