Pentecost Hearers

Today, as we pay more attention to the Pentecostal hearers, those who witnessed the manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s enabling power in the disciples of Jesus, I know that your hearts will be warmed also. You too will be amazed and a bit perplexed, and though your question may not be as that of those first witnesses, you will have a question or even questions to ask. The question of these amazed and perplexed witnesses, as they ask each other is, what does this mean? Acts 2: 12b.
Keep clear in your mind that these words were not spoken: -
By the disciples of Jesus who were gathered together in one room, the upper room as we know it.
By those who had seen what looked like tongues of fire, which separated and came to rest on them.
By those who heard the sound like the blowing of a violent wind that came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
By those who had seen the risen Jesus and who were in that room on His specific command.
These words came from the lips of God fearing Jews and Greeks from all over the then known world, who were in Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of Passover. On that ordinary day of celebration, those ordinary people, who were not disciples of Jesus, had an experience that totally amazed them. Each, in his own language, mind you, was speaking and asking one another, What does this mean? This is really thrilling and hope-engendering. Follow with me, in the faith which we have been given.
Because of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on disciples, in a way never before done, these servants of Jesus were given the power and ability to speak about the greatness and wonders of Almighty God, in other tongues. This was indeed a miracle, because not one of the speakers knew how to speak any of the languages they were now perfectly speaking. Now ponder the Supreme, Singular and Almighty Greatness of God!
Through His Holy Spirit, non–speakers of a language were able to speak about the wonders of God, in a language that was foreign to them.
Through His Holy Spirit, speakers of a language were able to hear about the wonders of God, in their own language.
I’m hearing these words being echoed in my mind. The enabled Pentecostal, other-tongues speakers, are not speaking about Pentecost. They are declaring the wonders of God. As a direct consequence and result, the enabled Pentecostal, hearers, are not hearing about Pentecost. We hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues! Acts 2: 11b. Can you imagine? Filled with the Spirit to tell of the wonders of God! I believe, I accept, I know that the enabling Pentecostal Spirit did not only fill them with His power to speak supernaturally, but He also filled them with His knowledge and truth to speak the wonders of Sovereign God. Does this not clearly indicate that anyone who declares the wonders of God, must be Spirit-filled and Spirit-led? Is this not a manifestation of the indwelling Spirit? Is not our God great! Is He not totally fascinating and unpredictable?
There’s sure hope in Pentecost!