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Jesus Looks Around


Why do you sometimes, while going about your business, suddenly look around?  Why, while you are concentrating on what is before you, you stop and quickly look around?

O yes indeed! There are several reasons for such quick actions. Here are two personal experiences. I remember driving in an area where I did not expect to even see our son, when, as I passed a bus stop, I heard this loud call out, “mum”. I never saw him, but I heard and immediately stopped the car a few yards on. When I looked around, he was running, coming towards the vehicle. On another occasion, I was simply taking a drive with my visiting sister, through one of the more affluent areas in the island when, to my surprise, as I passed a play area, where children were playing, I heard my name. I slowed the vehicle down, looked around and saw a student from the school where I was teaching, at the time.


I know that you have many experiences of having to suddenly look around because something or someone attracted your attention. Mind you, I’m quite aware that some of these are not always pleasant. I know of an incident of which a friend spoke, of having to look around, when someone tried to steal his wallet from his back pocket. Yes, at one time or another, we have all had to look around.


We are reminded of the time Jesus looked around. One of the synagogue rulers went down to the lake where Jesus was and, falling on his knees, begged Jesus to come to his house where his little daughter was lying critically ill. Jesus heard the cry of this father and decided to go with him to heal his daughter. However, the large crowd that had gathered, decided to follow along also. It was while Jesus was on His way to heal the sick child that this incident happened. Jesus suddenly turned around, in the crowd and asked, Who touched My clothes. Mark 5: 30b NKJV

Jesus had looked around for faith that was daring and bold enough to touch Him and seek His healing, without even asking. It was faith that pleased Him and still pleases Him.


Is Jesus looking around for you?

If that is so just what did you do?

Are you like the sick who long ago,

Touched Jesus, and He did not know?

Who touched Him, in a very big crowd?

Disciples are saying, that’s allowed,

For in such a crowd it’s expected,

That’s how people in crowds are treated.

True! But is Jesus looking for you?

If that is so, then what did you do?


Is Jesus looking around for you?

If that is so you must be there too,

As part of His many followers,

Many of whom are His worshipers,

But there is someone, it’s been revealed,

Who secretly touched Him to be healed,

Yes, in the crowd of folks all touching,

One secretly receives His healing.

True! But is Jesus looking for you?

If that is so, you have healing too.


Is Jesus looking around for you?

If that is so, you be honest and true,

Though crowds press upon Him on the way,

He feels something strong that makes Him say,

Who touched Me, I am feeling the drain,

Of Divine power leaving My vein,

Somebody with a touch that’s different,

Has touched Me in this present moment.

True! But is Jesus looking for you?

If that is so, your faith is all true.     



And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all. Luke 6: 19


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