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Eyes Turned To Jesus

As we continue, on this second day of a new month, we lift the Name of Jesus high, in un-dulled gratefulness. His Sovereign Name is Lord and God and we bow with undeniable reverence before Him. His Love is ever near us, Love that is indiscernible, indescribable and most precious. His Word is never failing, for His Word is His bond, and nothing of His Word is false or fake. His Works are never empty, futile, barren and without fruit, for He is the Fruit Giver.

When eyes are turned to Jesus it means that the entire body is turned to Him, for He has told us that the eye is the body’s lamp. If one’s eyes are full of darkness – ignorance, deceit, pretence, pride, uncertainty, wavering and more – then the body is in pure darkness. However, if one’s eyes are healthy, full of light – faith, trust, belief, hope, acceptance, undoubting, seeking Jesus and more – then the body is in pure Light.

Keep your eyes turned to Jesus, come what may!  



I turn my eyes to Jesus, His Name is Lord and God,

For the things this world is asking, I just can’t afford,

Days run swift, the times are harsh, demanding much of me,

In a path where I must trod, a road I cannot see;

Tis then I turn to Jesus with eyes of pain and plea,

Lord Jesus in this hour, please, remember me.


I turn my heart to Jesus, His love is ever near,

When all around me glistens with emptiness and drear,

My heart cries out in helplessness, since I am so lost,

For life’s taken a dismal course with demanding cost,

Tis then I turn to Jesus with heart all worn and weak

Lord Jesus in this hour, please, this sinner, seek. 


I turn my ears to Jesus, His word is ever true,

When deceit and folly come in the old and the new,

And deafen me with their words that cripple and deny

Given promises of God, in failure as I try,

Tis then I turn to Jesus, with all the fears I feel,

Lord Jesus in this hour, please, my deaf ears heal. 


I turn my mind to Jesus, His works in me to know,

For the enemies of life will use me as their show,

I can’t fight their powers that are daily in my face,

Pointing out my empty life of non-receiving grace,

Tis then I turn to Jesus in utter agony,

Lord Jesus in this hour, You have remembered me. 



The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness.

Matthew 6: 22 - 23 KJV



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