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Which Is Easier

I’ve spent the night at a friend’s house and as I am awakened in the morning, before the rising sun, the sound of crowing of roosters fills the air. I mean, before I could awaken fully, the roosters as if in competition are belting out their songs without care or consideration to who is around and what is taking place. I personally know that for some, this constant, persistent crowing can be most annoying, as all who wish to sleep in, find it almost impossible to do so, with the ‘racket’, taking place outside.

However, on that particular morning in question, I was held by the roosters’ crows, as our Divine Teacher, the Spirit of Truth and Sound Counsel, brought me to face realities about God and me, on that early, un-dawned morning. Yes, even before I could come to my senses properly, after a night of sleep, I heard the roosters. They were all over the neighbourhood it seemed, but there was one that was obviously right next door, as I could hear him as if he were in the room with me. Mind you, it is still pitch dark outside, as it is about 3:15 a.m. and although I cannot see outside, I can hear that rooster belting out his songs, without apologies.

At this time, though still lying in bed, I hear the words, “Which is easier”.  I repeat them, but begin to think of what I have planned or am expecting to be given to me this morning. You see, our Lord has been taking me on mission, which has had me captured and totally taken by all that He has been giving to me. Not only that, His ways of bringing this learning to me have also been tremendous and out of this world. It has been so captivating, so compelling, that I have been waiting on this new day to have our Lord continue His mission with me. Hence the reason why, now that He has told me something else, which has no resemblance or bearing on our mission, I have not paid much attention to it.

The truth is that I began to wonder about what I heard and negative thoughts tried pushing their way in. Nonetheless, I was saved from forfeiting grace, when our Blessed Holy Spirit took me through some paces, using the still crowing cock that never left his position in the yard. As I share these deep-cutting, full-exposing, truth-pulling words, may you know no escape by excuse, reasoning, understanding, or not hearing.  May the Holy Spirit Himself capture us all in Spirit and in Truth, which will never leave us in the same place as we are right now. We will have gone forward or backward, but never in the same place.

Why do you doubt hearing God, when He speaks to you? Is it easier to hear the cock’s voice than God’s voice? Are you not His child? Who gives you physical hearing? Yes, God gives you hearing. Does not God, your Father, want you to hear Him? Which Father does not want his children to hear him? It’s precisely because you are God’s child that He will ensure you have hearing ears to hear Him. So why aren’t you listening to Him? These and other facts were brought before me and I had no choice but to surrender all my negativity. As you also surrender your negative thoughts and doubts, you will realize that your hearing of our Father in heaven, will be even stronger than your hearing of a rooster’s crows, a dog’s barking or any such.

Jesus has had to teach this same lesson, about which is easier, to some teachers of the law. These men are religious educators, believers in God, who had negative thoughts about Jesus and His ability to forgive sins. Some men had brought a paralytic to Jesus to have him healed, but Jesus addressed the man’s spiritual life instead of his physical life. Jesus looked at the man who was unable to walk and told him to take heart, for his sins were forgiven. Those teachers of the law who were present, said to themselves that Jesus was blaspheming. Jesus, knowing their thoughts, turned to them and said this. Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts? Which is easier: to say Your sins are forgiven, or to say, Get up and walk? Matthew 9: 4b – 5. Many of us, believers in God, still hold things in our hearts, consciously and unconsciously, which show that we believe, some things are easier for God than others. I tell you, it was only when our Lord drew it to my attention that I realized how I was doubting His ability to give me spiritual hearing in the same way as He has given me physical hearing. Is this you also?

Can we remain with the same evil thoughts about God and what is easier for Him to do for us? God forbid! He who gives physical hearing to humans, also gives spiritual hearing to them. Indeed, our heavenly Father still gives people hearing ears and seeing eyes, to hear and see Him in the forms He chooses.    


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