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Tracking Of Jesus

Tracking of Jesus

As we have come to the end of this week, let’s pause for a moment before concluding, to revisit where we started. We began, by being told a few things.

  • We were told that this week was going to be a various week with the Wise Men or Three Kings, who came to worship Jesus with precious gifts.

  • It was stated that it would be a different week, looking at opposites, in order to receive more wisdom and understanding in our own daily walk with the Lord. 

  • Promise was made that we would be viewing opposites, in conjunction with the three women who went to the place of burial to anoint the dead Body of Jesus and those three men who went to the place of birth, to adore the New Born King.  

  • The word LET, has been the springboard, through which we have been gaining renewed comfort, fortifying strength, gracious pardon and unmeasurable grace, as our Heavenly Father has been granting us.  

Having viewed these two areas, Looking for Jesus and Expecting to see Jesus, we are now on to these women and men, Tracking Jesus.

The three women, tracking Jesus, followed the route which led them to the place where the buried Jesus was, a temporary place. Think of it!

Jesus did not remain in the tomb. Hallelujah!

The three men, tracking Jesus, followed the route which led them to the place where the born Jesus was, a temporary place. Think of it!

Jesus did not remain in the manger. Hallelujah!

Where are we in this? What relevance is there for us at this time? One sure Hallelujah! for each of us today is this. We do not have to remain in our present places, as we too track Jesus to serve Him with our gifts.  They are only temporary places. In this regard, we are LET servers, like Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome, and the Magi from the east, all who are tracking Jesus, on a mission of service.    

How can this be? How were they, let, people and how are we, let, people also? At this point, we perhaps need to be reminded of the meaning of the word, LET for us in this setting as explained earlier on. We were drawn to the use of the word, let, in lawn tennis where, when the umpire loudly and sharply calls out, let, the person who is serving the ball is informed of two critical facts, related to the game.

  • He or she is informed of an error or fault in serving.

  • He or she is quickly given another chance to serve again.

In other words, the server is made aware of an error and is given another opportunity to serve in the correct or right way.

We are let people, only when we know Jesus in us as real, living and working. That being the case, our present lives will show whether or not we are looking for a dead Jesus or a living Jesus. Now here is Good News of assurance which is being brought to us, regardless of who we are as people looking for Jesus. All I know is that this Word has come directly from our Lord. His Holy Spirit has brought us this personal showing of Himself.

If epiphany, in its simplest understanding, is God revealing Himself to human beings, then this is epiphany for us. It is so, as the Holy Spirit reveals our Lord and Saviour, King and Ruler, Jesus Christ to us, through His Word. It is the Spirit who gives life to God’s Living Word in us. Be not deceived! Without the Paraclete, the Word of God remains dead to us, barren to us and powerless to us. We can hold it tight, speak it openly and work it as hard as we can, but no fruit will be born of the Spirit. Without the Spirit, no power is had and no good fruit is reaped. We give thanks to the Holy Spirit, our Counsellor, Comforter, Teacher, Guide and Friend, He who convicts us of sin and of righteousness, for the epiphany, being revealed to us.  

It is He who calls the LET, in our lives, as He did for both the women and the men.  He gave them another opportunity to serve again. They both had to leave their present places, to go to the correct place, as they tracked Jesus. Think about this!

The three women had to give up the tomb place, leave there, and go to where Jesus was in Galilee. After being told that Jesus was not there, since He had risen, they were then informed of the place where they would find the Living Jesus. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you. Mark 16: 7. Wasn’t that a let moment, when these women were shown their error of place? In being told just where Jesus was, were they not given another opportunity to serve in the right place?

The three men had to give up the Jerusalem place, leave the city with all its grand life, and go to where Jesus was. The chief priests and teachers of the law were consulted as to where Jesus was born. In Bethlehem in Judea, they replied, for this is what the prophet has written. Matthew 2: 5. Wasn’t that a let moment, when these men were shown their error of place? In being told just where Jesus was, were they not given another opportunity to serve in the right place?

Thank God for every LET time, called out on our lives of service. Let us all receive this epiphany of knowledge and serve again, in the Lord’s Spirit and in the Lord’s Truth. Amen!  



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