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Timely, Commander Jesus


 On this final day of looking at the timeliness of our ever right and true God, I bring you all that we have been seeing and more, as the story of our unseen, yet ever present Hand of God, through His ever working Holy Spirit, is with His servant Paul. Many of Paul’s people, the Jews, are ready and anxious to take Paul’s life, but Paul’s heavenly Father, Lord and Master, is not ready to call him home as yet. In other words, enemies of Paul see it as timely for his demise, but God sees it as timely for his rise.

As you read, may the Holy Spirit grant you unhindered access to His senses that you may hear and see Him working throughout this drama, and come to more solid faith, hope and trust in Him.

Paul the prisoner, is now facing the anger, venom and heartlessness of those who are burning with passion to have him killed. The legal, legitimate path to his demise is taking too long for them, so these Jews are hatching a diabolical plot to murder Paul, an ambush that cannot fail. Is God still with His servant? So sure are they, they all have pledged not to eat a thing until they have got their prey. Is God still with His servant? Yes, definitely yes! There is not one single shadow of a doubt about this. It is not by any coincidence that this timeliness has come about. Paul’s sister’s son is in the right place at the right time, to overhear the secret plans of the ambushers.

The Holy Spirit is still at work in the life of this prisoner for Jesus Christ.

Paul’s nephew goes straightway to Paul in the barracks, with the news. Paul instructs him to go to the commander and tell him all that he has heard. The commander listens to the young man, and takes his words very seriously indeed. After cautioning him, not to tell anyone that he has reported this news to the commander, he dismisses him. Again, I ask. Is God still with Paul the prisoner? Indeed so, for the commander allows this family member of the prisoner, not just to come to him, but he listens to the young lad and believes all that the nephew of Paul tells him. Timely? More than timely I say!

The Holy Spirit of God is still at work in the life of this prisoner for Jesus Christ.

Now the commander does not dismiss the young man and dismiss what he has been told. Straightway, he acts upon it.  He devises his own plan.  He will secretly get Paul out of this planned ambush, by sending him all the way to Governor Felix, who is in Caesarea. The plans of the deceivers, those who cannot wait on the due process of law, with trials and substantial evidence, are to be thwarted. Again I ask. Is God still with Paul the prisoner? You bet He is! Listen to how this commander does all in his power to protect Paul. Do you think that this is normal and natural? Do you think that the commander has some kind of pact with Paul?  Not at all! This is but the timely, working Hand of God in the life of His servant, managing, controlling and working magnificently.

The Holy Spirit is still at work in the life of this prisoner for Jesus Christ.

God is using soldiers and guards to help secure his servant’s safety from his own Jewish people. God continues to use whom He wishes and what He wishes, to save His Paul from those who will take his life, in the manner not sanctioned by God. This taking away of the gift of life, which God has given to Paul, is not only against God’s will, but it is outright and downright untimely. It is not God’s timing, for He has already told Paul of the work He wants him to do and that work has not yet been done. Will God simply say, Ah well! Evil must have its time and close His eyes at what is happening to His own? Outrageously Impossible! This is a huge laugh, if you ask me, to be laughed at in the face of all who think that they can take down God’s servant and child, at will. God is never away from His faithful and obedient children.

The Holy Spirit is still at work in the life of this prisoner for Jesus Christ.

Okay! I can hear you thinking that you are not a Paul. You are not a prisoner. No one has ambushed your life. You are thinking that this is all well and good, but not applicable to you, where you are momentarily.

Will you, with the already prayed for, unhindered access to the senses of the Holy Ghost, look in on yourself?

  • God said that you are His child. This is for you. Acknowledge it in faith!

  • God gave you life, in His timing, and He will take your life, in His timing. This is for you. Accept it in faith!

  • God has given your life, meaning and purpose in Him, to do the things He has called you to do. He will determine the time for you to be given rest. This is for you. Act on it in faith!


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