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Through The Holy Spirit

What then must we expect, if the Holy Spirit dwells in us? We can expect and experience His unlimited, unstoppable and unchained works. In this meditation, we are going to have a very open, honest and mind-jerking discourse, where many of our ways of thinking may be challenged. We are listening to a verse of Scripture, which is quite familiar to many believers. Jesus is talking to His disciples and this is what He announces to them. In that day you will ask in my name. I am not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. John 16: 26. 

Let’s ponder this real-life situation. Julia has been working with Mr. King, in his office for quite some time. He is the boss, the manager, the person in charge. He has been teaching Julia, and other workers, about the business and things are going well. Mr. King kept the keys for the office and every time Julia, and other workers, went in, he was the person who opened the door for her to enter. If Mr. King was not there and Julia, for whatever reason, needed to get into the office, she would contact him and he would have the gate and door opened for her.

One day, Mr. King spoke to Julia and handed her a key to his office. Yes, this person in authority, gave her his key and told her that she no longer needed him to get into the building. She was given a key and was free to enter without him. Understand this, however. This is not Julia’s key. She has no power and authority of her own, but she has the power and authority of her boss, his key. Julia will use the key as her boss has commanded. Are we hearing? Are we following? Do we understand what Jesus has done for us, through His Holy Spirit?

This is not just for those disciples of old, but for you and me also. There will come a time when Jesus will not be speaking to us figuratively. At that time we will be spoken to plainly and clearly. Here is the plain, clear language given to us.  Jesus is telling us that through His Resurrection, we can go to the Father and ask in His Name.  Jesus is not saying that now, He will go and ask the Father on your behalf or on my behalf. He is not saying that this is how the Father will hear our pleas and prayer requests. No! Jesus is crystal clear, when He says that we will ask the Father in His Name and the Father will respond to us and treat us in the same way Jesus is treated. This is our joy and comfort. The Father loves us as He loves Jesus, for He sees that we love Jesus and we believe that He came from God.

But where are we in all of this? Why, if we have died to self and are risen with Christ, through the Holy Spirit, is there not this truth living within us? Why don’t we use the key that Jesus has given to us? Why do we still ask Jesus to speak to the Father on our behalf? The empowerment which we have been given is that through His Indwelling Holy Spirit, we are the ones to ask the Father on Jesus’ behalf. Is this not still a problem with you, me and many? 

Somehow, after resurrection, too many of us have been deceived into believing that the humanity of Jesus remained in the grave. Somehow, many believers think that when the totally human Jesus died on that cross, the Holy Spirit did not make Him, in His body, to be a risen person. Think about it seriously!

By faith, we know and believe that the Lord Jesus was raised by the Holy Spirit. We know this for it is spoken in Romans 8: 11. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you. 

By faith, we know and believe that the Risen Lord Jesus ascended into heaven. Luke 24: 51 informs us of this. While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven.   

By faith we know and believe that the Ascended Lord Jesus now sits at the right Hand of the Father. This is what we are told in Mark 16: 19. After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.

By faith, we know and believe that the Holy Spirit, the Lord’s promise of another Comforter came at Pentecost. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Acts 2: 4

Indeed, most, if not all of us, accept and believe these facts about Jesus and The Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, there is a definite fundamental problem, which lies passive and dormant, while keeping many of us from knowing where we truly stand with our Risen, Ascended Lord Jesus and His given Holy Spirit to us.

We will take a little time tomorrow to have an open look at this.  



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