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The Yielded Heart Of Jesus

Having been given needed rest, on this fourth and midweek day of our Holy Week mile, we have been sufficiently refreshed and reinvigorated in soul, mind and spirit, to continue our heart-lifting banner.

Remember, our banner has come from the phrase, I would yield that heart to Thee. Remember also that we are referring to none other than a tender and youthful heart. It’s a heart of pure humility, meekness and joyful giving.

Yesterday, you were told that the sinner’s banner was after Jesus’ banner. How can that be the case, I hear some of you asking. Looking unto the faithful, always present, Teaching, Enlightening, Lifting, Leading, Holy Spirit, He whose joy, mission and delight is to TELL about Jesus, has come to our tender hearts which have yielded and continue to yield to His Words and His Works.

Work in my heart Holy Ghost, work Your miracle works in me that I may understand all Your taught truths. Amen!

How then has the sinner’s banner been after that of Jesus, as He enters Jerusalem on that final Passover Feast Day? We recall what was said about her in yesterday’s offering, and match them all up to Jesus, her Lord, Master and Saviour. We listen to each given truth with the Spirit’s hearing, understanding, and bearing. These have been bulleted for further clarity and marked emphasis.

  • The woman is a sinner and she knows that she is a sinner. She is in no way deceived or unsure about who she is. Jesus is the Saviour and He knows that He is the Only Saviour of a dying, sinful world. He is in no way deceived or unsure about who He is.

  • She carries in her hands the flesh, concrete representation of a heart fully submissive and yielded to the Saviour. Her single, resolute intention, come what may, is to offer her undeniable heart of love to Jesus and Jesus alone. Jesus carries in His Hands the Spirit, divine representation of His Heart fully submissive and yielded to the sinner. His single, resolute intention, come what may, is to offer His undeniable Heart of Love to sinners and sinners alone. He came for the sick, not the well.

  • The sinner triumphantly walks that most intimidating path, for the truth is that she is walking the path of the righteous, when she is a sinner. This Jerusalem walk for Jesus is no different, for He too is walking a dangerous path. The truth for Him also is that He is walking the path of the sinner, while He is the Saviour. The path to death is what I deserve, not Jesus.

The Pharisee, whose place the sinner has entered, represents a mind-set of people whose pride does not allow them to see themselves as sinners, thus no sinner is welcomed. Jerusalem, the city Jesus has entered and among whom are the same Pharisees, chief priests, teachers and other holy Jewish men of the Sanhedrin live, do not welcome Jesus.

A sinner is entering the house of a Pharisee, knowing that she has not been invited so to do, and fully cognizant of all the hostilities and abuses she would have to face. Has not Jesus entered the house, the seat of rule of the religious Sanhedrin, knowing that He has not been invited by them? Has He not entered, thoroughly and totally cognizant of all the inhospitalities, hostilities, dishonour, ridicule, mocking, indecencies and abuses He would have to face?

We note how the sinner is resolute about her mission, for her heart has been yielded to nothing and no one, save her Lord. She has a heart committed and yielded to Jesus. Holy, Heavenly Father, we now come to a deeper vision of how our Saviour is resolute about His mission of the Cross. His Heart has been yielded to none other than God, His Father. No suffering or pain, no ridicule or dishonour, no mocking and jeering, no beatings and abusing, would cause Him to yield to them. He has a Heart committed and yielded to God.

What is the condition of your heart? If indeed it is a yielding heart, after the likeness of Jesus, then you cannot but surrender all your powers to Him.

With three more Holy Week days to go, three-sevenths more of the final mile, we are wont to yield more to Jesus.



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