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The Resurrection Story Of Jesus


What a privilege! It truly is nothing but grace, on this sixth day of Resurrection Week, to be afforded this moment of time. To simply stop and listen again to how God raised Jesus from the dead, is most marvellous and wonderful.

Here is our today’s Scripture Passage.

When they had carried out all that was written about him, they took him down from the tree and laid him in a tomb. But God raised him from the dead. Acts 13: 29 - 30.

You are in the audience as Paul is speaking to all kinds of people. Here is a most encouraging and holding word spoken specifically to you. With your present mind, whatever it may be, his word is targeted at you and the Word of God never fails to do what it has to do to any target it hits. So, whatever your response, the Word of God has perfectly and victoriously accomplished its mission on you.

Paul is telling you about the events of Jesus’ life. This is what he says. Every single enemy of Jesus, every single person who disbelieved and thought that He was of the devil, all who arrested Him under the orders given by ignorant, blind, pompously pious people who felt they knew God better than Jesus, carried out actions which were already foretold. God knows all things, not human beings. But in God’s incomprehensible wisdom, He chose to tell about God the Son, long before He came as a Man on the earth.

God never hid a thing about what Christ, Messiah, must endure. He told His Words to His prophets, who obeyed His commands to foretell it all. Paul tells you that every single thing the adversaries of Jesus did to Him, had already been foretold. In other words, the life story of Messiah was already told and documented, long before He actually came, in human form, to live a fully human life, here in this dark and sinfully evil world. Everything was foretold and absolutely nothing was missed, left out, or unknown about Jesus’ human life.  

What then are you hearing? How is this meaningful to you in this Resurrection Week? You are being made aware of three actions, given to implore, impress and impart in spirit and in truth, in word and in action.


This word reaches you to impart sound knowledge in you. It is this. Your knowledge of the story is about Him, the Man called Jesus. Jesus is Good, so that the story is about Good and not Evil. Your born again story, as foretold long ago is the story of good. Let good be imparted from you today.


The word reaches you to implore you. You are being sought and challenged by the word. It is this. You are being implored by what is good. You are to follow what is good and not what is evil, knowing that the story in you has already been told and it is a true story of good. Let good be implored from you, and not evil.


The word reaches you to impress you. The impression made upon you is this. You have impressions on you that show who you are and whose you are. The impressions being made are only of the Lord and His story is good. Every mark made on you is foretold and it is all known and dealt with by God. Let good be the mark with which you impress others.

There is nothing that can be done to you, if not in the already foretold story of your life. The story of your life in Jesus is being unfolded, page after page. Here is the fact that you need to accept. God uses many clean and unclean, desirable and undesirable, healing and hurting, malicious and gracious hands to turn those pages. It matters not, for there is no one who can add or subtract, change or rearrange the already written story. Remember, your life is in Christ Jesus.

Lord Jesus, You whose life Story was already foretold by Your Father, long before You came in the flesh, thank You for this, Imparting, Imploring and Impressing word. Today, right now even, let me never give any praise or glory to evil, for good and only good is my Lord and Master. I ask only for the grace to live my already foretold life. Amen!



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