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The Place


The question is this. Where is the Place from which the blood works? Remember, God has instructed which animals are to be killed.

Here’s a little background information which sets us in the correct place. We are in Egypt where God’s people are living in the tight grip of hell. Yes, the people are living a nightmare, under the tyrannical rule of a Pharaoh, whose heart has been hardened, so that he refuses to grant the people of God their freedom. Moses has been chosen and sent by God, with the assistance of Moses’ brother Aaron, to liberate the Hebrew people. It is in this place of suffering and bondage; this place of stifling hell; this place of no escape that God has come to rescue His people. God has been working through His plans of Blood Works and now He is at the point where He says this to Moses. Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you – so that my wonders will be multiplied in Egypt. Exodus 11: 9b. 

We must not forget that Pharaoh is being very stubborn, speaking and showing that he is not afraid of Israel’s God. When Moses and Aaron went to speak to Pharaoh, as they were instructed by God, Pharaoh responds with these words. Who is the LORD, that I should obey him and let Israel go? I do not know the LORD and I will not let Israel go. Exodus 5: 2b. It is in this atmosphere that God has determined to show His absolute power and might in this pagan place.

In coming to a response concerning the question at hand, Where is the place from which the blood works, what we are looking at is a two-pronged response.

First of all, what we must keep in mind is that this is all taking place in Egypt’s land, where the Israelites are. Now the Israelites settled in Egypt in the region of Goshen. They acquired property there and were fruitful and increased in number. Genesis 47: 27. After a time, however, living in Egypt became a nightmare for the children of God. A new leader to whom Joseph meant nothing, came into power. He totally transformed Egypt for the worse, for the Hebrew people. He turned all Egypt against the children of God. This is what we are told in Exodus 1: 14. They made their lives bitter with harsh labor in brick and mortar and with all kinds of work in the fields; in all their harsh labor the Egyptians worked them ruthlessly. 

The Omniscient God has decided to send a terrible plague to Egypt. It is a most destructive plague that will strike all who live in that place.  Understand this fully. This plague of doom, death and destruction is passing through all Egypt. But God’s children are in Egypt, living in the same place that has been doomed by Him, their Father and Lord. Why does not God remove His people and then bring this terrible plague to the country? Why keep them in that place at all, when He could easily have done as He did with Lot and family? He evacuated Lot and his family from the place of death. Nevertheless, God does as He sees fit, for He is the One Wise. Who are we to tell God how to do anything? Who are we to speak of what is best for us, when we can’t even save ourselves? God is the only One who can save and does indeed save His people.

What you and I are to hold fast, is the faithfulness of God, to save His people from the destructive plague which He is sending to the place where His children dwell.  Indeed! The children of God are in this very place of bondage which God has earmarked for death. However, God is Creator and Lord and He is able to do anything He wishes, without strain, stress or undue effort. Destruction will pass over this place, but God has created a means of escape for His children.

God is the Supreme Almighty and this is what He says. On the same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD. Exodus 12: 12. Before proceeding with the place where the blood is to be found, we cannot ignore the Sovereign, Almighty Power of Israel’s God. In this verse alone, we see God’s Supremacy and Omnipotence. Does this not fling you straight into the position and posture of reverence and obeisance, when you think of God doing all this mighty work, in a passing state? What I mean is this.

He is not standing and targeting. He is doing this work on the move, if you please.

Our God is Superior!  


He is striking down every single Egyptian firstborn human and every single Egyptian firstborn animal. The God of Israel, our God, will not miss one target, for He is Lord and mistakes are not in His realm.

Our God is Superb!

He is bringing judgment on Egypt’s gods, the entire pantheon of gods. From the highest to the lowest, the most powerful to the weakest, Sovereign God will bring judgement on them all.

Our God is Supreme!

It is Israel’s God who has come among His people in their place of bondage to perform this Blood Work of justice and judgment.




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