Swearing An Oath
We were told yesterday that this week will feature a servant of Abraham in oath taking. Taking oaths is a common and daily practice, especially in jurisdictional matters.
I was recently sent an article by a man who was questioning the use of the Bible in the courts, as that which people, accused and non-accused, swear on. I quote. “I close this article still confused as to the use of the bible in the court for swearing in, when they don’t care about its contents.” The writer of the article stated facts as documented in Genesis, the first Book of the Bible, and in its first chapter, to give weight to what he was arguing. He then concluded his article by asking these questions. I quote. “Why is the Bible even a fixture in court? What does it really represent?”
From the article and in particular, what is being said and shown about Creator God, and His Holy Word, it is not just disconcerting, but frankly speaking, it is frightening. It is frightening because, for one thing, the sacredness of the Word seems to have lost all Life and Spirit. What remains is but a beautifully decorated shell, which is totally useless and powerless, in every way good. This is most sad, and we all, in every way possible, need to seek God’s pardon and return to true covenant with Him. Our God is an oath swearing God and so are His faithful servants, those in whom He dwells. We are told this in Hebrews 6: 13, When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself. It is this same servant who now has his servant swearing to him, a promise or covenant.
When people swear an oath, often we see them putting their hands on the Bible, for they are making promises before Sovereign God. It is not uncommon to see people putting one hand on the heart to swear an oath, or crossing the index fingers together in the sign of a cross, and putting them against the lips to take the oath. But I am really curious about this outward sign. This is what is written in Genesis 24: 9. So the servant put his hand under the thigh of his master Abraham and swore an oath to him concerning this matter.
Again we see this practice with Israel, when he is about to die in Egypt, a foreign land. When the time drew near for Israel to die, he called for his son Joseph and said to him, If I have found favor in your eyes, put your hand under my thigh and promise that you will show me kindness and faithfulness. Do not bury me in Egypt, but when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me where they are buried. I will do as you say, he said. Genesis 47: 29 - 30.
Now why did Abraham’s servant put his hand under the thigh of his master? The answer is twofold, or if you prefer, the answer comes in two parts. The servant did this because his master told him to do it and he was obedient. Be sure of this truth. A master can ask, request, or even command a servant to do something, but the servant does not have to actually obey and do it. What we are witnessing before us, is an obedient servant, obedient to his master’s command. In the case of Israel, or Jacob, as we best know him, we note the same picture of oath-requesting and oath-responding, where it is a father making request of his son, and the son obeying the father. I’m sure, like me, your mind is being taken to you personally and your heavenly Father and Lord. When our Lord, as Master, calls us to make promise, or covenant with Him, or when our Lord, as Father, makes request of you and of me, are we found to be faithful, obedient servants and sons?
May God have mercy upon us and help us.
May He gather us together, from wherever we are, and grant us such inner exposure of convictions that we may be led into all truth.
May we, as we stand under more and more self-exposing and self-revealing light, know deep penitence of heart, soul and mind.
May we be granted the sure, undeniable grace of repentance that we may know the unalterable peace and joy of one who turns to obedience, without limit.
May each of us resolve to not take one step more, without knowing that we are forgiven servants, sons and daughters, who now long only to live in obedience to our Master and Father, who is Lord.
Our Father in heaven, Your Name is hallowed. Thank You for this opportunity, another opportunity to serve You again. Amen!