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Ruth has planted her feet in the field of Boaz. She has been given the privilege of entering and remaining in this secure place. To enter and remain is good, for Boaz has been merciful to her. However, Boaz goes on to not just give her favour, but gives her much more than she ever anticipated or expected. Listen to what he tells her. Watch the field where the men are harvesting, and follow along after the girls. I have told the men not to touch you. And whenever you are thirsty, go and get a drink from the water jars the men have filled. Ruth 2: 9


Here are four words of advice, which Boaz speaks to this foreigner, to whom he has given a space in his field.

Focus - Watch the field where the men are harvesting.     

The bounty of God has come to Bethlehem and fields are being harvested everywhere. Ruth has opportunities for gleaning anywhere, but Boaz gives her focus. He is helping her not to become giddy headed and flighty, with all the available fields. He advises her to keep her eyes focused and fixed on the one field, where his men are harvesting. Do you believe that God has given you a place in His prophecy, His promise and His plans? Then know that you are to focus, not on all the good or bad around you, but on the ‘field’, which He has given you privilege to enter and remain in. It is the field where His workers are harvesting.  You are to see their divine works and follow after them.  

Lord, help me to Focus on Your field, please.  Amen!


Follow - Follow along after the girls.

I found this to be most interesting indeed. When Boaz told Ruth to watch, to focus on the field where the men were harvesting, he never told her to follow the men.  No!  Boaz told Ruth to follow behind the girls, because her work in his field was to follow after the women. When you are called to a work of response in the field of the Lord, always remember that the law is not yours to follow, for that will lead you into trouble. Follow who or what the Lord wishes you to follow, in His field. In the same way Ruth followed after the other workers, so too, you are to follow after the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit.  

Lord, help me to Follow in Your field, please.   Amen!


Freedom - I have told the men not to touch you

Freedom is given to Ruth in the field of Boaz. When Boaz tells his men not to touch Ruth, what does he mean? He has told them not to chase her away. They are not to rebuke her, even if they see her gathering among the sheaves.  They are not to embarrass her, even if they see her not following the law to which she is new.  They are not to be unkind to her, instead, they are to help her, even make it easier for her to glean more. Can you imagine that?  The lord of the field has given Ruth freedom to work, free of any fear of being thrown out, rebuked, rebuffed, or embarrassed. As you have been called to enter and remain in this field called discipleship, you must know the freedom of blessings showered upon you. Our Jesus has given orders that His Law is not to be used against you, to throw you out, or ridicule you.  You are free to respond.  

Lord, help me to know Freedom in Your field please.  Amen!


Filling - And whenever you are thirsty, go and get a drink from the water jars the men have filled. 

When, because of the work she is doing, Ruth becomes thirsty, when she becomes ‘dry’ as it were, she has the filling supply of water put there by the men, who are not to touch her. This really grabs me tight, the fact that she has an already filled water supply at her disposal, for whenever, yes whenever she is in need of water.  It depends not on the availability of water, just the demands of her thirst. She does not have to search for water, go and fill her own water jar or any such thing.  Does she ever have to find her own water? No! Never!  Water is always provided and all she has to do when she has the need, is to go and drink. Listen again to this.  God has told you to come into His field and remain there. He has not left you to struggle and be all depressed and helpless in His service.  He has given you full, all round security. He has provided a Source of Living Water for you, which is always full and available, at any time you have the need.                                                                                                                                                  

Lord, help me to know the Filling in Your field that Your Living Water gives.   Amen!


Thank You for Your security Lord. I ask now that You help me to know always that in Your domain, in Your command, I am safe. Amen!    




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