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Respect Of Jesus' Authority

Do you and I know the Lord whom we serve, Sovereign Jesus, Risen Saviour? Do we know Him as demons know Him? In Mark 5: 12, we observe demons speaking to Jesus, making request of Him. The demons begged Jesus, Send us among the pigs, allow us to go into them.

I’m used to hearing of people begging Jesus to heal them, like the ten lepers, or like the woman who begged Jesus to heal her very ill daughter. But it’s unusual for me to hear of evil spirits begging Jesus. Sovereign Jesus, do we really know Your Sovereign Authority? This is what I mean. We know that nature obeys Him - winds and waves; mountains and fig trees; fish in the sea and birds in the air - but I must confess that this has never been a part of me. Indeed, we know that Jesus has power over evil spirits, but today, we have been taken beyond our selves, through Legion.  

Who is bowing before Jesus at the moment? Demons; evil spirits who have indwelt a human being and have made and kept that life a demon-filled, evil-spirit possessed life, in total bondage. The ones before whom humans bow, the ones who are able to wield their power and authority on weak, helpless, defenceless humans, have absolutely no authority or power, before the spoken word of Jesus. Jesus has spoken and they bow to Jesus’ Authority.

Who is begging Jesus at the moment? Demons, evil spirits who do not want Jesus to send them out of the area or vicinity, where Jesus found them. They know that they have been cast out and they cannot ask for permission to remain; they must leave. However, they know that they can make request of Jesus according to what is not amiss. They beg Jesus to save them from emptiness or nothingness, for demons cannot live and work and have their being, outside of human bodies. Jesus has spoken and they know His Power to grant their request.

Who is broadcasting the Supreme Power of Jesus, at the moment? Demons, evil spirits, who have no choice but to boast of Jesus, as being above them and in a different league from them altogether. Do not let this fact slip by unnoticed and unacknowledged. This is not one demon who is before Jesus, but an army, a legion of demons. It is the full complement of demon-spirit power that’s showing the Almighty Power of Jesus. Yes, Jesus speaks a one-time word of command to the evil spirits and they obey straightway; no hesitation. Yes, they all obey and make request of Jesus, and Jesus grants what they ask for.  But this, for me, clinches and signs off on the totality of my Saviour’s Sovereign Power and Authority.

They do not just ask Jesus to send them into pigs, but they are most submissive, fearful and utterly respectful of the authority of Jesus, Son of the Most High God. They take nothing for granted. Will you just listen to them and your Jesus? The evil-spirits have asked Jesus to send them into the swine and then they ask His permission to enter them. It’s like me asking you to send me to a nearby shop, and when you send me, I don’t enter without your consent or permission.  Send and Permit!

Send and permit me, Your work to do,
Ever respecting, honouring You,
Mindful at all times of Your Power,
Holy Spirit, Your grace, on me shower.


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