Preparation Of Mind

On this day two of preparation, we come with submissive hearts knowing that our God is a God of order and preparation. We come with undimmed praise for Him, because we know that He is our health and salvation. We come mindful of the need for special preparations for this time of our Father’s bottomless Love for us, His creation. With hymn writer John Newton, who penned these words centuries ago, we give unwavering and unending testimony to the truth of God’s unfailing, and enduring Love. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. O the unbending and unconquerable love of God whose grace saves the wretch. Even in our century, our present times, God’s Love, God’s Grace still breaks through and captures the hearts and minds of sinners. We hear it testified to by hymn writer, Stuart Townend, as he speaks about Father God’s Love for us, That He should give His only Son, to make a wretch His treasure. We marvel with awesome praise and unedited thanks to our Father in heaven, whose love for us sinners is totally unmerited.
It is in response to such capturing love that we continue to present ourselves to be consecrated and prepared for the approaching Season of Lent. In this attitude of submission of heart and mind therefore, we acquiesce to God’s unchanging Love for all sinners. Do you see that God has never changed in His unwavering Love for His children, hence the singular reason why we can celebrate Lent in our time? Our celebration of Lent is both collective and personal. We celebrate together as a faith community, yet each of us, like the dying malefactor on Jesus' right, needs to know our individual preparation of heart, mind, soul and strength. We need to know preparation for salvation. How was that malefactor prepared, you ask?
We visit the scene we all know so well, that mind-blowing, heart-stopping, soul-searching and life-offering scene, which took place a very long time ago at the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha). John 19: 17b. We visit, accompanied with the ever-present and ever-guiding Holy Spirit, to lead us into all truth, all conviction and all repentance.
Prepare us Holy Spirit, in transformed, renewed and upright mind. Help us to know the mind that was in Christ Jesus. Please make us all ready for Your righteousness and Your judgment. Amen!
Two malefactors, one on Jesus’ left and one on Jesus’ right are being crucified together with Him. One sinner is making fun of Jesus because Jesus looks just as he, a wretched criminal, reaping the just deserves for sin. For the wages of sin is death. Romans 6: 23a. However, the other sinner sees Jesus and has such a heart and mind change that as he hangs on his cross, the Spirit of God takes hold of him and with surrendered heart, mind, soul and strength, this malefactor rebukes the other malefactor, who even at the end, is hurling insults at Jesus. Listen to the one with changed heart and mind. Don’t you fear God, he said, since you are under the same sentence? Luke 23: 40b.
Now look and listen! He turns evangelist, a witness for Jesus, and announces right there from his deserved cross, these testifying words. We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong, Luke 23: 41. What a sermon! What preaching! What witnessing to Jesus! He has a congregation of two listeners. How was that possible? Who were they? We are shown the other sinner and himself. Faith allows us to know that it is the Holy Spirit who is prompting and preparing the witnessing malefactor, in word and manner. As none else but the Spirit works in this sinner, he hears deep within his soul, what he is speaking. In other words, he is also listening to every word he is speaking and hears and heeds unto righteousness and everlasting life. The other sinner forebears unto judgment and everlasting death. The one who hears, surrenders his life then and there. With his whole being, heart, mind, soul and strength, his spirit, kneels at the feet of Jesus as he pleads. Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. Luke 23: 42.
One more sinner has been prepared for salvation! One more sinner has turned to the Saviour. One more sinner has set heaven on fire with rejoicing. I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. Luke 15: 7. Does this malefactor know Jesus? Has he seen Jesus before? Has he heard Jesus preach and teach about the Kingdom of God? Has he listened to Jesus call to Himself, all who are burdened, weak and heavy laden, offering them rest and peace? Has he seen Jesus healing all manner of diseases and ailments? Has he seen Jesus casting out demons and giving people freed lives again? Does he know that Jesus walked on water, hushed raging storms, dried up a healthy sycamore-fig tree from its roots and raised the dead? Does He know that Jesus was the friend of sinners, publicans, tax collectors, prostitutes and many more undesirous characters, changing their lives for good?
I do not know whether he knew Jesus, or knew about Jesus, but this I know. He died with Jesus and rose with Jesus. His was a heart and mind prepared to accept Jesus, the Saviour of the world and He received, Sovereign God’s promise of redemption and salvation.
We conclude our three preparation days with more on the Preparing Holy Spirit in the final breaths of a dying malefactor.