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Looking Up To Faith


On this final day of the week, we conclude our featured time of, Looking Up, as we continue to look at Abraham, child of God. Here is this text, quoted again for you.

Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground. Genesis 18: 2 

Remember the Israelites, when they looked up? Although what they saw, that terrifying scene of the enemy coming after them, was all in God’s unfailing plan and design, they did not know. What they saw, brought immediate terror and fear, not trust and faith. God did His miracle of acceptance in His children. When they saw the plan and design of God, they complied beautifully, as they civilly and orderly, quickly passed through the parted waters of the sea.

On the other hand, what Abraham, this child of God saw, brought immediate trust and faith, not terror and fear as he saw the three visitors. A bit later, God did His miracle of acceptance in His child also. Abraham came to see with the eyes of God and think with the mind of God, when he was made to see God’s plan and design for the wicked, unrepentant children of God, the people of Sodom. This was terrifying and scary to Abraham, but he eventually complied, as he left God to order all His ways.  So too, as people of faith and trust, we must learn to let God order His ways, even though they may seem very harsh to us.

We return to Abraham and his attitude when he realized who he was seeing, as he looked up. We note this:-

Acceptance – He never for a moment doubted the presence of the Lord with him. Yes, he saw three visitors, but one Lord. He had to know God and when God came in different forms, he still recognized Him. He accepted that it had to be God. He harboured no doubts whatsoever. As a child of the Father, do you recognize Him when He comes to you in different forms, be it in human voice, when you are alone, or in human form? 

Adoration – His respect and reverence are not hidden in the least. Regardless of who was watching, or who was not watching and regardless of whether or not others around recognized God or not, Abraham responded to what he saw when he looked up. He leaves his cool, shady place at the entrance of his tent and hurries in the blistering heat, to meet them. In that heat, no one is seen hurrying, but not even the sweltering, energy-sapping heat, could stop Abraham from accepting that it is his Lord, as he hurries to Him.   

Humility - Abraham, regardless of how high he is in the sight of God, humbles himself before the visitors. When he hurries to meet them, he does not just speak to them. He bows to the ground. We are told that he does not just bow, but he bowed low to the ground. This is interesting, isn’t it? This child of God, because he, looked up, saw the Lord who had appeared to him. Now, in order to speak to Him, in those three visitors, he looked down. These are his words to the Lord. If I have found favor in your eyes, my lord, do not pass your servant by. Genesis 18: 3. O how he reveres and respects his Lord. 

Hospitality - Abraham has not been passed by, so he hurries to show them his hospitality. He brings water for them to wash their feet, a deep sign of Jewish hospitality. He offers them rest under the spreading Mamre trees. He brings them food and drink so that they may be refreshed, before going on their way.

Here is the wisdom, for all who are children of God. Whether in looking up, you see what is fear-driving or you see what is faith-driving, please know that God has already planned and worked things out, and no one can make it not happen. Nothing our Lord wishes to do will be impossible for Him.

We close with a line from Fanny Crosby’s hymn of consecration. “I am Thine O Lord," which shall be our prayer.

Holy Father, may my soul look up with a steadfast hope, and my will be lost in Thine. Amen!


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