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God's Singular Love

On this Lord’s Day Sunday, the first Sunday in Lent 2025, we stand totally illuminated by the grace and goodness of our Father in heaven, whose Love spared nothing, to save a world of sinners. We come, totally convicted and fully humbled in heart and mind that we cannot boast in anything, but the saving grace of our Holy, Sovereign Lord God. Regardless of how we may see ourselves as worthy or unworthy, as gifted or ungifted, as having strong faith or having weak faith, as believer or unbeliever, or as Christian or non-Christian, not one of us can boast in any works of our own.

We all, every single one of us, have been saved by God’s Singular Love, who saved us while we were all in the depths of the darkness of sin. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5: 8. Indeed, as we continue on our Lenten Travels in the company of Jesus, let us always remember, regardless of who we are and whom we meet, to see as our Jesus sees and speak as our Jesus speaks. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to keep us from being held in the bondage of law. Let us look to Him daily, and constantly, to free us from minds controlled by law, so that we do not ever seek to nullify the ways and works of grace.

It is with this prayer in our hearts that we gaze once more on the face of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and see His unhidden and unashamed love for the sinner. It is with totally prepared hearts and minds that we stand as believers in the Comfort, Assurance and Power of the Lord’s Word, when He publicly said and continues to openly say, that, the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. Luke 19: 10.

Who are the lost? Do you know, are you aware that many a believer, a child of God is lost and does not even realize it? Many of us are lost in the inferior ways we live. Inferior, in that our Lord has given us abundance of life, but we are living far below His standards. We have been freely given His Living Word, which is our daily bread, but we live as children with little food, showing all the perfect signs and symptoms of the spiritually malnourished and undernourished.

We have been given the Holy Spirit, who is not a Spirit of fear but of boldness, soundness and power, yet we live under the shadow of fear, intimidation and resignation. Isaiah tells us this about our God. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Isaiah 40: 29. If this is so, then is it that God only gives to some and not to others? What I mean is this. When I am lost in weakness, and I come to Him in prayer, believing and seeking His help, will He not hear me and prove His given Word in me? Will He not strengthen me? Why then am I living in spiritual weakness and weariness?

Do we know that it is our Lord’s desire that His children who are called by His Name, should live lives that are pleasing to Him? Do you know that Father God is proud of His children and loves us all as the apple of His eye? 

For the remainder of this week we shall follow God’s children, the Hebrew children and how God brought salvation to them. 




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