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Freedom To Go: Freedom To Come

Doesn’t it seem as though we have only just welcomed the first Lord’s Day Sunday in a brand new Church and School year? Now, in what seems to me as a flash, we are celebrating the final Lord’s Day Sunday in this new ecclesiastical year. It makes you really stop and think, doesn’t it? Yet we have to admit that time keeps its own metronomic beat and as the wind, time cannot be harnessed or controlled by us, to suit our purposes and plans.

It’s like the children’s game of, ‘Hide and Seek’, when the one who is seeking says, “Ready or not, here I come.” It simply means that whether or not the players are ready, the one who is coming to get them is on his or her way. There is no more waiting.

Time tells us in so many languages, so many ways, so many signs that whether we are ready or not, old father time, is moving on, for time waits for no one.

As believers, we put our faith and trust in the only One who is able to handle time and control time. We worship a God who is free in time and with time, as He is Lord of all time. We have heard this verse over and over again, I’m sure. But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 2 Peter 3: 8. Time is not just owned by Creator God, but He names time as He wills. Time is not held in His hands as it is in our hands. Our adoration of Father, Creator God, comes for many reasons and in many reasons, as Lord. Today, we revere and respect Him; we bow low before Him and give Him all honour for He is the Most High. He is free to do what He wills, when He wills and how He wills. He is free to teach us what He wills and how He wills.

During this week, we shall be taken to different sites, in different places, as we have been afforded time to learn more about our Triune God. This is a moving week as it were, starting today, where we are in one setting and the next day we’re in another location. It’s like taking a one week coach tour to seven different places, where our coach Driver, Leader and Guide, is our Lord.

The main purpose of this tour is not for sightseeing purposes only, but for seeing these sights in each of us. We are brought to these places, to bring us to face realities about our Lord, Master and Saviour, which ought to be openly visible and recognizable in all our lives. I am convinced that with each day’s experience, we all will be made more effective and bolder servants and witnesses of Jesus.

On this first day of our travels, we are standing at the meeting point, as it were, the place called Time. By faith and in faith, we are to accept our time together with our Lord, as a time of Tuition, Instruction, Mission and Evaluation.

Tuition – As disciples of Jesus, we need His daily tuition.

Instruction – As we learn of Jesus, we receive instruction in our daily living.

Mission – Tuition and instruction are specifically given to carry out our Lord’s mission for each life.

Evaluation – To receive tuition, instruction and mission, without evaluation, is futile. It is through daily evaluation that we are kept in obedience and submission, to our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.

We leave with these words of Peter. Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. 2 Peter 3: 18



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