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Father's Day

On this Lord’s Day Sunday in many places all over the world, fathers are specially being remembered and celebrated. Today is Father’s Day and we give God thanks for all fathers. We give Him thanks for all men – uncles, brothers, nephews, god-fathers and others who have been loving, caring fathers to many who are not their biological sons and daughters.

We begin our tribute to fathers, by acknowledging our own Heavenly Father – God the Father.

Today is one week since we have celebrated Trinity Sunday. We remember last week’s Lord’s Day Sunday and how we were led into a week of Trinity Tripled. We were given eyes, ears, and tongues to know and speak of our Triune God with Holy Spirit learning. It was specifically shown that God, as Father, is the first Person of the Trinity. He is first, not because He has more power, presence, position or possession than God the Son or God the Holy Spirit. No and a thousand times no. He is first because He comes to us as the Person whom we come to know.

God the Father, first Person of the Three,

I give You praise and thanks for having me,

You come to me as my Father above,

Engulfing me with Your Heavenly Love.

Father, Heavenly Lord, I am Your own,

You’ve said that by Your Name I’m to be known;

Thank You Father for always being near,

Thank You that for me You are always there.


During this week, which we have designated as Father’s Week, we will be spending quality time, not just looking at God as Father, but three objectives will keep looming high on us and for us.

We all must come to know more about our Father God in His Son Jesus.
We all must come to show more of who our Father is in our lives, through the Holy Spirit.
We all must seek to grow more and more like our Father God in the Person of His Son through the Holy Spirit.

We pray now for all fathers, those who have sired children and those who have not, so that God will continue to give them the strength, courage and unfailing dependence on Him as Supreme Father of all, to care for those in their care.

May they take the responsibility of fatherhood as sacred and God-given. Amen!


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