Enabling Spirit

On this second Lord’s Day Sunday in Lent, as we have been travelling with the Holy Spirit, looking more deeply at the unfathomable will and plan of Almighty Sovereign God in the salvation of His people, we cannot but gaze in wonder, reverence and awe. We have been brought low, to worship and surrender to God, whom we have been made to acknowledge, with unwavering surety, that He has from inception, been working redemption into being. We can say this most confidently, after being taken through His orders to the Hebrew people, through His servant Moses. We cannot deny that God never changed His mind about His specific requirements, regarding the blood of the animals to be used to bring salvation to the Israelites.
We were taken through four major requirements or orders and shown, with convincing proof, that Jesus, God’s own Son, admirably and perfectly met those specific requirements. Let’s itemize them for quick and easy remembrance. Always remember that it was God, the I AM, who required these, concerning the blood of the animals chosen for each household, shared or unshared.
Blood must be that of a male animal.
Blood must be from a lamb or a goat.
Blood must be from one that is without blemish.
Blood must be from a yearling.
The animals you choose must be year-old males without defect, and you may take them from the sheep or the goats. Exodus 12: 5.
Who can fathom our Lord’s ways and plans? Who can thwart our God’s orders and decrees? He is Lord, let all creation step back and gaze in wonder. Our God of creation is our God of salvation. Having seen, with clearer vision and more informed insight, into the Person whose blood works and satisfied Sovereign God’s commands, requirements and orders in His plan of salvation, we are being taken further on.
During this week, as we travel on, guided and counselled by the Holy Spirit, we shall be taken in a discourse concerning the Place where the blood is to be found. We shall continue with the Israelites, as God saves them from the death that is to befall Pharaoh and the Egyptians. Listening with acute ear, and observing with keen eye, the wisdom of God in His plan of salvation, may we come to be more appreciative and absolutely assured of God’s saving grace. May we always remember that Jesus came to save sinners.
The Bible is full of this truth, however, we pull on what John is speaking for himself and all the other servants of Jesus. This is their united testimony. We have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 1 John 4: 14