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Call To Look Up


Not too long ago, a dear friend of mine told me of what had happened to her and that which scared her no end. God had come to her in her sleep or waking, she was not sure, but she was sure that she heard the voice, as plain as a human person in her house. In telling me about it, she said that she heard her name, and she was told to look up. She heard, Look up Ann! Look up! (Ann is not her real name). She spoke about hearing the voice more than once. She was held with marvel and surprise and said how very afraid it had made her. She told me that she could not even return to sleep, but remained wide awake thinking about her experience of hearing the voice of the Lord.

While she was relating her experience to me, still taken by it, I began to feel a welling flow of excitement inside. There was a flush of divine warmth and praise to an ever present, ever working and ever calling Heavenly Father. I knew that He was very much alive and real and that any doubts I might have had about differences in Him at work, in Bible times and Him at work in our time, were dissipated. Before going one step further, you need to be apprised of these facts about my friend.  

This lady, who believes in God, lives alone, so that there was no one else in the house to talk with her and tell her to look up. 

Recently, her hearing has been deteriorating and she does not hear voices as she once did. It is a worrisome problem and she has become super conscious that she does not hear well. Yet she not only heard the voice of the Lord, but she heard exactly what He had spoken to her, without even having to ask for repeats. She heard!

This knowledge about my friend and the fact that our Lord made her to hear Him, totally drives me, I tell you, to believe, hope, trust and  look up to God; Father, Son and Holy Ghost, who  is able to do whatever He wills and however He wills. Does this not drive confidence into you also, about our God? Does it not want you to join with the psalmist in conscious and consecrated praise and thanks to God? Does it not compel you to want the whole world - our family, friends, neighbours, enemies – yes, every single person, to know about the One True God, the God whom we serve?

We will sing praises with our lips and our lives, for all to hear. O let’s join in Psalm 105: 1 – 4. Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.

Indeed, when we turn from all else and Look to the LORD, we are looking to His Strength. Don’t you find it fascinating and totally comforting and trust-strengthening, when you learn and remember things such as this? The Hebrew people have the Name, El Sali, for God, which means, the Lord is my Strength or the Lord is my Rock. If we look to Him as our sure and firm Strength, or Rock, we will be seeking His face and His face only. Like David, a man after God’s own heart, we too should know this response to God. When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face LORD will I seek. Psalm 27: 8. KJV

Our call to, Look Up, may not come as directly and dramatically as my friend’s. Nonetheless, it is a call, however our Heavenly Father chooses to call us, even through this simple word.

Ponder on this truth!


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