A Word Of Power

On this final day of the week, we come personally and collectively as believers, in Father, Son and Holy Ghost, praising and giving thanks. In the words of a hymn by George W Conder, we confess with a right and renewed spirit, the Lordship of God.
All things praise Thee; gracious Lord,
Great Creator, powerful Word,
Omnipresent Spirit, now
At Thy feet we humbly bow,
Lift our hearts in praise to Thee,
All things praise Thee: Lord, may we. Amen.
Holy God, we who are your prized and cherished creation, are aware of Your love and care for us and about us. Forgive us our tardiness to be strong and firm in Your love. Forgive us that we are easily distracted and brought down by enemy voices telling us lies about You. Holy! Holy! Holy! You are Holy and Your Name is Holy. Thank You for Your Ever Living, Ever Powerful Word. Thank You for spreading Your Word over us, around us and within us. Amen!
As we have been made ready to step deeper into this celebration of Lent, we are reminded of Paul’s words to the Church at Corinth about not being prepared for the coming celebration of service to the visiting Church from Macedonia. For if any Macedonians come with me and find you unprepared, we – not to say anything about you – would be ashamed of having been so confident. 2 Corinthians 9: 4. It has now dawned upon me, with far spreading light of truth, that Paul does not want his boast about the Church at Corinth to be vain. He does not want anyone to go to them and see a people who are not adequately prepared.
Has it dawned upon you too, the far-reaching light which this has shed to our hearts and in our hearts, as Jesus’ believers, Jesus’ Church? Do you and I understand fully that Jesus wants us fully prepared as His Church, so that He will not have to be, in any way, ashamed of us? Remember, God’s Word is not just powerful, but it is truthful, so all that the Word says about you, must be seen in you. When Jesus, the Word made flesh, lived on earth, He spoke in power, authority and truth. His enemies, all who were skeptics, unbelievers, and deceivers, could think, speak and do things against Him. However, those who believed His Word and obeyed His commands, were always ready and prepared. His Word never made them ashamed and they never made Him ashamed.
Just look again at the sinner-woman who received these lasting Words of Comfort from Jesus. Your faith has saved you; go in peace. Luke 7: 50b. Although the one whose actions, in inviting Jesus to dinner, publicly, on the surface, showed him to be a friend of Jesus, his heart and mind were far from Him. He showed utter unbelief in who Jesus really was. It showed that he did not really know Jesus. While he showed unbelief, the sinner woman showed faith in Jesus.
Likewise with the sinner-man who received these lasting Words of Assurance from Jesus. Today salvation has come to this house because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. Luke 19: 9. Although the ones whose actions, in gathering around Jesus on that Jericho road, publicly, on the surface, showed them to be friends of Jesus, their hearts and minds were far from Him. They showed utter unbelief in who Jesus really was. It showed that they did not really know Jesus. While they showed unbelief, the sinner-man showed faith in Jesus.
Clearly, the Power of the Word of the Lord, when believed and obeyed, never makes one ashamed. The Word Jesus spoke to Zacchaeus and to the woman, both of whom were in need of His saving grace, became living testaments in their lives, to the Comfort, Assurance and Power of the Living Word of the Lord. We hold, dear to us, what I call, Jesus’ last Words to these people in need, receiving them as ours, as by faith we continue our first steps into our Lenten Travels.