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A Vestibule Word


Having spent Ash Wednesday, a most unique Ash Wednesday, meditating on ash and how ashes are formed or made, we rise from the ashes of heart, mind, body, soul and strength, to a vestibule of comfort, courage and compelling. We are, as it were, in this outer area, for these three last days of what I refer to as Ash Wednesday Week. It is the time given to us, before we enter or step on a Journey of Lenten Enlightening Trials with our Risen, Conquering Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. This is necessary for three reasons, three working reasons only.

First Reason - This vestibule is a place specifically, consciously and meaningfully built, where we gather and wait to marshal ourselves together as one, to embark upon a journey of Lenten Enlightening Trials with our Risen Lord and Saviour. The picture which comes to mind, is the front enclosed area in the church where, on wintry days, a father drops off his family, who wait there in the vestibule, for him to park the vehicle. When he returns, they all enter the sanctuary together, as one family. It is on these three days that we are gathering together to move off as one with Jesus, in these Lenten Enlightening Trials.

Second Reason – The vestibule is not just the place, but it is also the time allotted for waiting to receive all that is needed to be told to us before we begin the spectacular, solemn, sacrificial ascent to the Cross of Death and Life. Reminds me of tourist attraction places, where before the fabulous tours begin, people are gathered in a room and shown and told all about the site, its history. Warnings are also given for one’s safety.  It is on these three days that we are receiving and learning more about these Lenten Enlightening Trials.

Third Reason - The vestibule is more than the place and the time, for it is where honest, crucial decisions are made about going forward. It’s like a pilgrimage, where many well-meaning enthusiasts and worshippers have faithfully followed for some time and some ways. But today, the climb to be embarked upon is the steepest ever. The guide stops and makes clear and factual what is involved, required and expected. This is the decision making time, when some will turn back and others will remain. Reminds me of Jesus and His many followers. In His wisdom, one day, He sits them down as it were and tells them of His reality and His expectation. It was decision time, for many disciples left Him. From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. John 6: 66. It is on these three days that the decision time is clearly given to us to decide whether to turn back or carry on with Jesus, in these Lenten Enlightening Trials.

Recently I have been listening to a children’s programme with my great grandson, as he looks at it daily. Because I am present, I hear these choruses and songs daily as he is fascinated with the songs, music and animation of the puppets. I must confess that it has done and is doing good for me, in keeping me in full remembrance of those I know and teaching me new choruses. This one however, is one I know well and it has run right back at me. I make my commitment in the vestibule with you and all others in these words.

I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back.

This means that in my LET, my personal and most intimate name for this journey of trials, which I have consciously and without coercion made a decision to not turn back, I look to Jesus. I am not unique in this decision, for although many will turn back there are some who will follow, because we all have given our lives, unconditionally to Jesus. We, like Peter, when the question arises about turning back and leaving also, we too are quick to respond most candidly, in this manner. Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God. John 6: 68b – 69.

We conclude this day, knowing that from the Vestibule, we are entering the sacred, solemn, spiritual time of trials with our Jesus.




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