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Pentecostal Witnesses


What are our individual responses when we are made first-hand witnesses to some Pentecostal Power? This was the question posed to us, for our personal attention and confession to our Lord. We already know that with the first witnesses, responses were totally different. Having all received the same experience, some made light of what they were witnessing. They were actually rude, disrespectful and most disingenuous about what they were experiencing. O how they showed nothing but ignorance and arrogance.

On the other hand, others though ignorant of all that was happening, showed respect and were more serious about it. Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, What does this mean? Some, however, made fun of them and said, They have had too much wine. Acts 2: 12 – 13.

This is aptly given speed in us, as we listen to Paul speak to a group of Jesus’ disciples whom he met in Ephesus. There are some connections between these disciples and the people in Jerusalem who had come to celebrate the Passover. Here are just three similarities. The people whom Paul found as he came to Ephesus were disciples. While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus. There he found some disciples. Acts 19: 1. We know that they were of God, because they were disciples of John. Additionally, we also know that many of John’s disciples became disciples of Jesus. What is the point? The point of interest is that these people, those who are in Jerusalem and these here in Ephesus, are all God-loving and God-worshipping people.

Aren’t you and I worshippers of the One True God? Are we not disciples of Jesus? Then we are living players in this witness also.

Realise also, as has already been alluded to, that the witnesses, God-fearing Jews, were not thinking of the Pentecostal outpouring. Yet, it is to these ignorant people that Sovereign God gives the privilege of witnessing His power, truth and trustworthiness.  God gives hearing to those who are in the dark about Him and His outpoured Spirit, unbelievable hearing.

Let’s listen carefully to this conversation. Paul asked these disciples of Jesus about the Pentecostal Spirit; in other words the Baptism of Jesus. Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? They answered, No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit. Acts 19: 2b. It is their response that brings us to stark realities about followers and disciples of Jesus. Weren’t they as those first Pentecostal witnesses, ignorant of the Gift of the Holy Spirit? Those hearers at Pentecost did not know about the Holy Spirit. These disciples with Paul, here at Ephesus, do not know about the Holy Spirit. It is to these ignorant followers that they are given witness in their hearing. Are they not hearing Paul speak about Him? What is their response after hearing? They are all receiving physical hearing, phenomenal hearing and personal hearing. What are their responses? Unitedly, with one heart and one mind and one soul, they seek the Holy Spirit. On hearing this, they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus. Acts 19: 5. They heard about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, believed and humbled themselves to receive Him.

Aren’t you and I hearers of the Pentecostal telling? Are we not witnesses of the truth of the Holy Spirit? Then we too can be testimonies of His given power.

I want us to return to the fortuitous meeting with Paul and those twelve disciples, as we are made to ponder a few thoughts. These are thoughts which, by faith, must all be personal to us. These are thoughts which allow us the hearing we all need, all who are uncertain about his or her relationship with Jesus’ giving of the Holy Spirit after His Ascension, on Pentecost.

Tomorrow we will explore some Spirit-gripping facts.



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