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A Praise Word From Son Jesus


I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Matthew 11:25.

In this verse, we listen to Jesus give Father God praise for revealing things to little children and concealing the same things from the wise and learned.

Jesus is in a situation where clearly, what He is saying and doing are not seen as genuinely from God. He speaks His Father’s words, but He is challenged, doubted and even dismissed as speaking what is false and deceiving. These accusers, people who do not accept His words, are the wise and learned. How does Jesus respond to them? He does so by giving praise to His Father. Jesus is not at all bothered by the wise and learned, for He sees exactly how His Father responds to them. On the other hand, those who are the ordinary people, men and women, who are not wise, because they have not been scholars, flock to Him and learn from Him. He gives praise to God for them, and welcomes them all happily.

Father God is actively working in the life of His Son Jesus. It is in this Praise Word of Jesus that we learn so much more about His perfect relationship with His Father. What is the Perfect relationship between Father and Son? It is the relationship which: - 

Recognizes His Father’s Will – Jesus gives all honour and glory to His Father as Lord of heaven and earth. Jesus is God in human flesh, prone to all the weaknesses, sufferings, trials, burdens, temptations and disciplines of flesh.  In this lowly state, the Son is never angry with the Father, nor does He try to count His equality with God, as more important than the service He has come to render. It is this perfect attitude, which allows Him to lift high and honour God the Father, hailing Him publicly as Lord of heaven and earth. In this relationship between Father and Son, the Son recognizes His Father’s Power and subjects Himself to it.   

Respects His Father’s Way – Jesus respects the Father’s divisions of those who hear His parables, preaching and teaching. They are very distinct and clearly set in two divisions. On one side, there are the wise and learned and on the other side there are the little children. Jesus never argues with the Father about how these divisions are made. He has no discussion about it; neither does He try to run behind the scholars to persuade them to accept His words. In this relationship between Father and Son, the Son respects His Father’s Plan and surrenders Himself to it.  

Responds to His Father’s Works – Jesus responds to His Father’s works of revealing and hiding. Two sets of people listen to Jesus and it is God who gives understanding to the children, the simple in heart and mind, who do not know and want to know. They are those who are not hindered, blocked or obstructed by study, research, letters and learning. They are those who come hungry to learn and learn more. They are those who give up all traditions and experiences, to receive Jesus as the one and only Way, Truth and Life. Jesus accepts the fact that His Father has revealed much to these hearers and conceals truth from those who think they already know. In this relationship of Father and Son, the Son responds to His Father’s Wisdom and submerges Himself in it.   

The Holy Spirit has come to teach us all things. As children of Father God, I believe that He is here to teach us how to have this relationship, which Jesus had with the Father, while we are on earth, in our mortal form. Do you not believe this also? It is through simple faith and trust in who the Spirit is and in what He can do in us, that we will share the same relationship with Father God, as Jesus did.  In the Power of the Indwelling Spirit, we too will speak, Praise Words to our Father God, which express our Recognition of His Will in us, our Respect of His Way for us, and our Response to His Works in us.

We praise You Holy, Heavenly Father. Amen!


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