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Inductive Question

Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language? Acts 2: 8.

Inductive Question

When we listen to the question with more surrendered minds and hearts, when we count all that we know and think we know as nothing, just to receive unqualified and limitless truth, from our Teacher, then and only then will this learning be of benefit to us. What does it mean when we hear that this is an inductive question? What is its induction? Listen to and look deeply at the question again. Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language?

We know that the word induction is used in a variety of ways, but for our purposes, we are using the meaning which speaks of a method of coming up with an idea or solution to something. It’s simply a means or way of reasoning, in which people’s individual ideas or facts are used to make and formulate a general rule for all. It may be the conclusion of something or it may be the documenting of a mission statement. It’s akin to something like this.

You are given facts about a particular doctor, how she takes time when examining her patients. You are told of how she goes beyond her call of duty, as it were, to be mother, counsellor, guide, advisor and much more to those who have come to her. You hear about this doctor and based on what you have reasoned out, you conclude, that she is a caring and feeling person compared with other physicians you know.

This reminds you of Jesus, does it not? Do you recall this incident? Townsfolk of Sychar are one day told by one of their local people, to, Come, see a Man - the Man Jesus, the Messiah. The people of the town listen well to what they are hearing. They observe what the Man has done in the person publicizing Him. They believe and come to meet Him personally. This seals it for them. After having the Man Jesus stay with them for two whole days, they all come to one conclusion. It is based on their own findings. We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world. John 4: 42.

This Inductive question brings unmistakable focus and is underscored by the Holy Ghost. This is what Holy Ghost prophesying is all about, where believing and receiving go hand in hand. There is BAR power.

So what are we to believe and receive, even in this moment? When the Spirit gives you vision to see and believe, be ever certain that He also offers all for you to receive. O yes, indeed! When Jesus tells you to seek first, the Kingdom of God and all its righteousness and everything else will be given to you, He means it.

When Jesus says believe and receive, prophesy in the bold and sure knowledge that the Holy Spirit will confirm His Word in you and make it true in those to whom you proclaim God’s Word.

Come Holy Ghost,
You are our Most,
Send us to share,
Be it far or near.



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